Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/856

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[88 STAT. 2172]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2172]


PUBLIC LAW 93-633-JAN. 3, 1975

[88 STAT.


Information d i s c l o s u r e, prohibition.

SEC. 306. (a) GENERAL.—Copies of any communication, document, investigation, or other report, or information received or sent by the Board, or any member or employee of the Board, shall be made available to the public upon identifiable request, and at reasonable cost, unless such information may not be publicly released pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to require the release of any information described by subsection (b) of section 552 of title 5, United States Code, or which is otherwise protected by law from disclosure to the public. (b) EXCEPTION.—The Board shall not disclose information obtained under this title which concerns or relates to a trade secret referred to in section 1905 of title 18, United States Code, except that such information may be disclosed in a manner designed to preserve confidentiality— (1) upon request, to other Federal Government departments and agencies for official use; (2) upon request, to any committee of Congress having jurisdiction over the subject matter to which the information relates; (3) in any judicial proceeding under a court order formulated to preserve the confidentiality of such information without impairing the proceedings; and (4) to the public in order to protect health and safety, after notice to any interested person to whom the information pertains and an opportunity for such person to comment in writing, or orally in closed session, on such proposed disclosure (if the delay resulting from such notice and opportunity for comment would not be detrimental to health and safety). RESPONSE TO BOARD R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S

49 USC 1906.

Publicati Federal Re gister.

SEC. 307. Whenever the Board submits a recommendation regarding transportation safety to the Secretary, he shall respond to each such recommendation formally and in writing not later than 90 days after receipt thereof. The response to the Board by the Secretary shall indicate his intention to— (1) initiate and conduct procedures for adopting such recommendation in full, pursuant to a proposed timetable, a copy of which shall be included; (2) initiate and conduct procedures for adopting such recommendation in part, pursuant to a proposed timetable, a copy of which shall be included. Such response shall set forth in detail the reasons for the refusal to proceed as to the remainder of such recommendation; or (3) refuse to initiate or conduct procedures for adopting such recommendation. Such response shall set forth in detail the reasons for such refusal. The Board shall cause notice of the issuance of each such recommendation and of each receipt of a response thereto to be published in the Federal Register, and shall make copies thereof available to the public at reasonable cost.