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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/320

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 260

PUBLIC LAW 94-54—JULY 7, 1975

Public Law 94- •54 94th Congress An Act July 7, 1975 [H.R. 5217]

U.S. Coast Guard. Appropriation authorization.

To authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard for the procurement of vessels and aircraft and construction of shore and offshore establishments, to authorize appropriations for bridge alterations, to authorize for the Coast Guard an end-year strength for active duty personnel, to authorize for the Coast Guard average military student loads, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of United States of America in Congress assembled, That funds hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1976 and for transition period of July 1-September 30, 1976, for the use of Coast G u a r d as follows:

the are the the


For procurement of vessels: For fiscal year 1976, $28,842,000; For the transition period ( July $1,561,000.

1-September 30, 1976),


For procurement of a i r c r a f t: For fiscal year 1976, $36,000,000; For the transition period ( July $11,700,000.


30, 1976),


Active duty personnel strength. 14 USC 764.

Military training student loads.

For construction of shore and offshore establishments: For fiscal year 1976, $60,082,000; For the transition period ( July 1-September 30, 1976), $2,841,000. SEC. 2. (a) For fiscal year 1976, the Coast G u a r d is authorized an end strength for active duty personnel of 37,916; except that the ceiling shall not include members of the Ready Reserve called to active duty under the authority of Public Law 92-479. (b) For the transition period ( July 1-September 30, 1976), the Coast G u a r d is authorized an end strength for active duty personnel of 38,005; except that the ceiling shall not include members of the Ready Reserve called to active duty under the authority of Public Law 92^79. SEC. 3. (a) For fiscal year 1976, military t r a i n i n g student loads for the Coast G u a r d are authorized as follows: (1^ recruit and special training, 3,880 man-years; (2) flight training, 92 man-years; (3) professional t r a i n i n g in military and civilian institutions, 372 man-years; and (4) officer acquisition training, 1,143 man-years. (b) For the transition period ( July 1-September 30, 1976), military t r a i n i n g student loads for the Coast G u a r d are authorized as follows: (1) recruit and special training, 1,071 man-years; (2) flight training, 23 man-years; (3) professional t r a i n i n g in military and civilian institutions, 93 man-years; and (4) officer acquisition training, 277 man-years.