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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/336

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 276 2 USC 61-1.

2 USC 60a note. Effective date. 2 USC 59.

Effective date. 2 USC 59 note.

2 USC 59.

2 USC 72a-lc.

2 USC 61-1.

PUBLIC LAW 94-59—JULY 25, 1975 clause (A) of section 105(e)(3) of such Act may each be paid at a maximum annual rate of compensation not to exceed $38,000. The one employee in a Senator's office referred to in section 105(d)(2) (ii) of such Act may be paid at a maximum annual rate of compensation not to exceed $38,000. Any officer or employee whose pay is subject to the maximum limitation referred to in section 105(f) of such Act may be paid at a maximum annual rate of compensation not to exceed $38,000. This section does not supersede (1) any provision of an order of the President pro tempore of the Senate authorizing a higher rate of compensation, and (2) any authority of the President pro tempore to adjust rates of compensation or limitations referred to in this paragraph under section 4 of the Federal P a y Comparability Act of 1970. This section is effective July 1, 1975. SEC. 106. (a) Section 3 under the heading "Administrative Provisions" in the appropriation for the Senate in the Legislative B r a n c h Appropriations Act, 1975, is amended by inserting " (1) " immediately before the text of subsection (c) and tjy a d d i n g immediately below subsection (c) the following: " (2) The aggregate amount that may be paid for the acquisition of furniture, equipment, and other office furnishings heretofore provided by the Administrator of General Services for one or more offices secured for the Senator is $20,500 if the aggregate square feet of office space is not in excess of 4,800 square feet. Such amount is increased by $500 for each authorized additional incremental increase in office space of 200 square feet.". (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) of this section is effective on and after July 1, 1975. SEC. 107. Section 3 under the heading "Administrative Provisions" in the appropriation for the Senate in the Legislative Branch A p p r o priations Act, 1975, is amended by inserting " (1) " immediately before the text of subsection (a) and by a d d i n g immediately below subsection (a) the following: " (2) The Senator may lease, on behalf of the United States Senate, the office space so secured for a term not in excess of one year. A copy of each such lease shall be furnished to the Sergeant at Arms. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require the Sergeant at A r m s to enter into or execute any lease for or on behalf of a Senator.". SEC. 108. (a) Pursuant to section 2 of Senate Resolution 60, 94th Congress, agreed to June 12, 1975, and subject to the requirements of this section, each Senator serving on a committee is authorized to hire staff for the purpose of assisting him in connection with his membersliip on one or more committees on which he serves as follows: (1) A Senator serving on one or more standing committees named in paragraph 2 of Rule X X V of the S t and i n g Rules of the Senate shall receive, for each such committee as he designates, up to a maximum of two such committees, an amount equal to the amount referred to in section 105(e)(1) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968, as amended and modified. (2) A Senator serving on one or more standing committees named in paragraph 3 of Rule X X V of the S t and i n g Rules of the Senate or, in the case of a Senator serving on more than two committees named in paragraph 2 of that Rule but on none of the committees named in paragraph 3 of that R u l e; select and special committees of the Senate; and joint committees of the Congress shall receive for one of such committees which he designates, an amount equal to the amount referred to in section 105(e)(1) of