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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/148

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Proviso repealed, post, p.·369· first, to pay the interest on all stocks issued by virtue of this act ; and, secondly, to use the balance of said receipts, after paying the interest aforesaid, in the purchase of said stocks at their market value: Provided, No more than par shall be paid for said stocks.

Contingent expenses Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That a sum· not exceeding twenty-thousand dollars, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for defraying the expense of preparing, printing, engraving, and otherwise, incident to the issuing of the treasury notes and stock authorized by this act: Provided, That no compensation shall be made to any officer whose salary is fixed by law]; for preparing, signing, or issuing treasury notes or certificates of stock.

Amount issued or redeemed be published monthly. Sac, 21. And be it further enacted, That it shall be, and hereby is, made the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause a statement monthly. to be published monthly of the amount of all treasury notes issued or redeemed in pursuance of the provisions of this act; and that the Issue, when to cease. power to issue treasury notes conferred`on the President of the United States by this act shall cease and determine six months after the exchange and ratification of a treaty of peace with the Republic of Mexico.

Report to Congress, at each session. Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to report to Congress at the commencement of each session the amount of treasury notes which have been issued under the provisions of this act, the amount redeemed, and the manner in which redeemed, the amount purchased and of whom, and at what time purchased, and the amount reissued, stating in lieu of which redemption they are reissued, with the date of such reissue, during the preceding year.

Approved, January 28, 1847.

February 7, 1847. Chap. VI.——An Act to provide for the establishment of additional Post Routes in the State of Texas

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the [Lifted States of America in Congress assembled, That the following additional post routes be established in the State of Texas:

From Sabine City, via Beaumont, Jasper L. Norvill’s, and J. Kendriok’s, to San Augustine.

From Lyon’s Post-Office, in Louisiana, via Salem and Patillos to Beaumont.

From Alexandria, Louisiana, via Burr’s Ferry, on the Sabine River, and the county site of Newton, to Jasper.

From Nacogdoches, via county site of Angelina, to county site of Tyler.

From Sabine Town, via Pendleton and Hamilton, to Shelbyville.

From Crockett to Palestine.

From Shelbyville, via Henderson, to the county site of Smith.

From Shelbyville, via Colonel H. C. Ashton’s, Logansport, and McMillen’s, to Pulaski.

From Greenwood, Louisiana, via Sheenick’s Ferry and Rives’s Landing, to Moore’s Post=Otlice, and from Shreevesport, via Port Caddo, to J etferson, in county.

From Nacogdoches, via county site of Cherokee, Angl1n’s, Palestine, and the county site of Henderson, to Dallas.

From Jefferson, in Cass county, via the county site of Cass, via Dangerfield, the county site of Titus, (Mount Pleasant,) the county site of Hopkins, (Tar. ant,) and the county site of Hunt, to Dallas