8 'PWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 14. 1846. Pensions; For payment of invalid pensions under various laws, seventy-four thousand dollars. _ 1836, oh. 362. For payment of pensions under act of July four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one hundred and two thousand dollars. · 1838, ch. 189- For payment of widows' pensions under act of July seven, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and the acts supplementary thereto, one hundred and three thousand eight hundred dollars. I _ · · Re ,1,,,,, Sm, For repairing of the State artillery of the State of Louisiana, injured utiiiery oi Lou- in the service of the United States in Texas, during the summer and i¤i’”'“- fall of eighteen hundred and forty-five, one thousand five hundred and sixty-six dollars. Payment of For payment of four companies of Texas volunteers, and two com-
- f;,“
- v:ffn,Ig§;` panies of Louisiana volunteers, including the supplies required by the
` quartermaster’s department, sixty-nine thousand two hundred and six dollars and sixty-eight cents. Transportation For transportation of officers’ baggage, thirty thousand dollars. °f °m°°¤' has For the transportation of troops and supplies of the army, including pif?.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, baggage of troops, when moving either by land or water; freight and ot'_ troops, sup- ferriages; the purchase or hire of horses, mules, oxen, carts, wagons, Pl‘°“¤ &°‘ and boats, for the transportation of supplies, and for garrison purposes; drayage and cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters; transportation of funds of the pay department; expense of sailing public transports between the posts on the Gulf of Mexico, and procuring water at such posts as from their situation require it; of clothing, from the depot at Philadelphia to the stations of the troops; of subsistence, from the places of purchase, and from the places of delivery, under contracts, to such places as the necessities of the service may require it to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms, from the founderies and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, and frontier posts, six hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Supplies of For the regular supplies of the quartermaster’s department, consist- 3;;;3$*°f’ ing of fuel, forage in kind for the authorized number of officers’ ` horses, and for the horses, mules, and oxen, belonging to the quartermaster’s department at the several military posts and stations, and for the horses of the two regiments of dragoons, and of the four companies of light artillery; of straw for soldiers’ bedding; and of stationery, including company and other blank books for the army, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and quartermaster’s departments, and the printing of department orders, army regulations, and general regulations, one hundred thousand dollars. Penitentiary in _For amount required for the support of the [penitentiary of the](¢¢) ggluggsrrot of District of Columbia, for the fiscal year ending thirtieth June, eighteen ‘ hundred and forty-six, eleven thousand nine hundred and forty-nine dollars and sixty-four cents. [{,,,,,,,,3;,,8 C", For refunding certain duties collected under the act of the thirtieth pun duties ooi- of August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, entitled "An Act to provzzfggffgtgg vide Revenue from Imports, and to change and modify existing Laws with G, Britain, imposing Duties on Imports, and for other Purposes," contrary to the iw;) 0h_ 2-;0_ terms of the convention of eighteen hundred and fifteen, between Great Britain and the United States, in fulfilment of the agreement lately entered into by the government of the United States and Great Brgtain, one hundred thousand dollars. _ or compensation and milea e of senators and members of the ,,,,,;J°$H;°s;m$~ House of Representatives and delegates, the same being rendered members d?Con- necessary by an increase in the number of senators and members of gig? ‘*“d d°l°' the House of Representatives, twenty thousand dollars. (a) The words in brackets were, by a clerical error, omitted, in engrossing the bill. The omission is corrected by the joint resolution of May 15, 1845, post, p. 110.