10 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1846. ‘v'91u¤te¤r¤ to Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said volunteers sha]; £'f,',';‘;;‘an§l;’;l,}f;j furnish their own clothes, and 1f cavalry, their own horses and horse mentsgtobéunné equipments; and whens mustered into service shall be armed at the ed by the ¤i¤<-> e nited tates. Stiigignwcm to €x]S(;i6;f;i1ndUbc it further enacted,_That said volunteers shall, b¤ ¤¤b.i¤¤* V! ***8 when called into actual service, and while remaining therein, be sub. Q`?-l,$,;_;"d °m°l°” ject to the rules and articles of war, and shall be, mlall respects lex. cept as to clothing and pay, placed on the. same footing with similar corps of theglnigd State; armyg and in lieu of clpthmlgcexgy issione officer an rivae in an compan , ddgmhimself, shall be entitlbd, when called into actual service, to Computation receive in money a sum equal to the cost of clothing of a n0n-comf" °l°°““g‘ missioned officer or private (as the case may be) in the regular troops of the United States. volunteers how Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Ivolnnteers so gobeaeeepéd, offering theiriservices shall be accepted by the President in com- _ panics, battalions, squadrons, and regiments, whose officers shall be h0€h:;;0‘;1*§;g*S» appointed in the] mlgnneiil prescribed by ltaiyivl-1n the sevlpral Sgssrggp ` erritories to w ic suc companies, 'a ions, squa rons, - ments, shall respectively belong. _ _ Organization Sec. 6. And be it fnrther enacted, That the President of the
“’g‘m°°tS’ United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to organize companies
so tendering their services into battalions or squadrons, battalions and squadrons into regiments, regiments into brigades, and brigades into divisions, as soon as the number of volunteers ghall sendepaiucf1 , or anization, in his 'ud ment, ex edient; and the resident s , 1 or-gglmrgtzlgmfsg neiessary, apportionj the stat}, fielld, and general officers among the generai omcérs. respective States and Territories from which the volunteers shall tender their services as he may deem proper. Provision for voi- Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the volunteers who may !’“*°°"! ""°““d°‘* be received into the service of the United States by virtue of the prom S°m°° visions of this act, and who shall be wounded or otherwise disabled in the service, shall be entitled to all the benefit which may be conferred on persons wounded in the service of the United States. president au. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the President of the thvrlzcd w corn- United States be, and he is hereby, authorized forthwith to complete $$,:;,1 °u vléggéjg all the public armed vessels now authorized by law, and to purchase now authorized or charter, arm, equip, and man, such merchant vessels and steam ¥rci;‘;g'““‘gL;: boatsdas, upqn gfapiinpaion, mpy be found H3 or easig convlerted mlto merchmtvmeis arme vesse s or e u rc service, an in suc num er as e ¤¤d ¤*¤¤¤¤b¤¤¤¤· may deem necessary for tlhe protection of the seaboard, lake coast, and the general defence of the country. organization, Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That whenever the militia or I!;*g'I;t:¤¤d °¤>°l¤· volunteers are called and received into the service of the United ' States, under the provisions of this act, they shall grave the organization of the arm of the United States, and shal ave the same pay Allowance to and allowances ;y and all mounted privates, non-commissioned officers, mounted menfor musicians, and artiiicers, shall be allowed 40 cents per day for the 'gjufgmzik °*` use and risk of their horses, except of horses actually killed in action ; and if any mounted volunteer, private, non-commissioned officer, musician, or artiiicer, shall not keep himself provided with a serviceable horse, the said volunteer shall serve on foot. Armovnn, May 13, 1846.