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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/38

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12 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Srnss. I. Ch. 21. 1846. t Fort W¤¤hi¤g- For repairs of Fort Washington, Potomac River, Maryland, twenty. °°‘ six thousand dollars. Fort Monroe. For Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, Virginia, seventy-five thousand dollars. For-t Caswell. RFor pyeselrvgtiori of tlhiet site hof Fo13C:-aswell, mouth of Cape Fear iver ort aro ina, een thousand dollars. Fort Moultrie. For: preservation of the site of Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina lifteen thousand dollars. SlD;1unken Dick For dike to 1)runken Dick Shoal, Charleston harbor, South Caro- ‘° · lina, thirty-five thousand dollars. Fm $¤m*°¤’· For Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, forty-five thousand dollars. Fort Pulaski. For Fort Pulaski, Savannah River, Georgia, twenty-five thousand dollars. Fm -l¤¢l¢¤<>¤· For repairs of Fort Jackson, Savannah River, Georgia, fifteen thousand dollars. Fort P¤¤ke¤=- For Fort _Pickens, Pensacola harbor, Florida, ten thousand dollars. F<>f* B=·¤¤¤•=¤¤· For Fort Barrancas, and the erection of barracks thereat, Pensacola harbor Florida, fifty thousand dollars. F°" M°"$°“· For re dirs of Fort Mor an Mobile Point, Alabama, forty thou- .1 .1 ll P g ’ san dollars. Fort Pike. For repairs of Fort Pike, and preservation of site, Louisiana, thirteen thousand dollars. Fort Wood La. For re airs of Fort Wood Louisiana six thousand five hundred D d P I 7 ollars. VEESLWHL Elm For repairs of Battery Bienvenue, Louisiana, five thousand dollars. y,,,; _;,gk,,,,,_ For repairs of Fort Jackson, Mississippi River, Louisiana, twenty- five thousand dollars. Fort St- Philip- For re airs of Fort St. Phili Mississi iRiver Louisiana, thirt tn ali ll p' pp ’ y ousan dollars. F°¤’¢LiVl¤z¤¢¤¤· For Fort Livin ston Grand Terre Island Barrataria Ba Louisian frt thu iid, l y, a, o y o san ollars. Florida Reett gor fortifications on the Florida Reef, two hundred thousand dollars. Contingencies. or contingencies of fortifications, fifty thousand dollars. Armamevt- For the armament of fortifications, three hundred thousand dollars. wh t be Sec. 2. And be itfnrther enacted, That the Presidentof the United cxpendfdf ° States may, in his discretion, direct the expenditure of any of the r forggoing apprpprrations, at any time after the passage of this act. rmoven, ay 15, 1846. May 15, 1846. Cru!. XXI.—An Act for the Orgaegization of a Company of Sappers, Miners, and ' " ontonicrs. Ita it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the A company or United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be

,P°”# ¤“"?”· added to the corps of engineers one company of sappers, miners, and

pontomers t · b ucd . I . _ , t.,b,,,,,,,ed_ pon omers, to e ca engineer soldiers, which company shall be composed of ten sergeants, or master workmen, ten corporals, or overseers, two musicians, thirty-nine privates of the Iirst class, or artificers, znddthety-nine prlvates of the second class, or laborers; in all, one un re men. Edgy and m- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the pay and rations of the pgrgeants, oarilmaggarbwmkmen, of said company, shall be the same as ose now ow y aw to the master workmen employed by the ordnance department, excepting that the engineer sergeants shall receive one ration only per day, instead of one ration and a half; of the corporals, or overseers, the same as those now allowed by law to the armorers, carriage-makers, and blacksmiths employed by the ordnance