20 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ch. 33, 34. 1846 ‘ __ ‘' 0 the Volunteer Forces, .. . . .J ”"· M C‘Z¢.§" ’?..’?$5.Il2... s£'.€tf“Z‘Z}‘2t’Z't‘?Z’.1&'Za’l»"t.$C*S,‘Z.Z‘5.“I'·}Z'.’§Z‘.7’Z. in pr., .. f.. th¤1.t£2pointnientqft/rc necessary Number of General Officers to comrnunrl the same Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives g' the United States ry' America in Congress assembled, That the President . of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to organize into tolliilgarlilgsiligzi brigades and diyisions such of the volunteer forces as have been, or tgt; §>;£¤d¤S wd may be, called into the service of the United States, under] ti e‘ get Sapproved May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, entitle n ms cb I6_ Act providing for the Prosecution of the existing War between the ' United States and the Republic of Mexico;" and that he be, and A ointment hereby is, authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of xiii3cr` and of the Senate, such number of major-generals and brigadier-generals b¤’iS¤di¤¤' £€°¤°’· as the organization of such volunteer forces intolbrigades and divisions
- 1:é°::,,,;,'?°y b° may render necessary: Provided,That the brigadierjgenerals and ma_;or·
Discharge on generals so appointed shall be discharged from service by the President °°“°1““‘°“md of the United States, when the war with Mexico shall be terminated by a li:l,c€'0?r Winn. definitive treaty of peace, duly concluded and ratified; or,. in case the WMS- brigades or divisions of volunteers at any time in the service shall be reduced in number, the brigadiengenerals and majongenerals herein provided for shall be discharged, in proportion to the reduction in the number of the brigades and divisions: And provided further, That Dilrgggtglngfdgfg each brigade of volunteers shall consist of not less than three regiion? ments, and each division shall consist of not less than two brigades. Approved, June 26, 1846. -l¤¤€ 27, mlm- Curr. XXXIV.—-An Act making Approgzriationa for the current and conggrfcnt """""""""' Expenses of the Indian, Department, an jbrfjlfllingrlredy Sttpulatwn.9 2 the tppggrzivgzdzan Tribes, for the Year ending une tlurtzeth, eighteen hundred and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of zlmeriea in Congress assembled, That the following APP,Op,,,,,,0,,_ sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, for the year ending on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. ` For the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, v1z.: an§l¤§>§;;¤;;¤¤d°¤* For the pay of the superintendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis, 183;,_,chj162_ and the several Indian agents, as provided by the acts of June thirti- 1837,en.31. eth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars Pr<>vi¤¤· Provided always, That no superintendent of Indian aifairs. or Indian agent, or other disbursing officer in such service, shall have advanced to him, on Indian or public account, any money to be disbursed iu future, until such superintendent, agent, or officer in such service, shall have settled his accounts of the preceding year, and satisfacto= rily shown that all balances in favor of the government, which may alpp<§r to be in his hands, are ready to be paid over on the order of t e epartment. Sub agents. I For pay of sub-agents, authorized by the act of June thirtieth, 1834,ch-162 zfghtgep hundred and thirty-four, eleven thousand two hundred and y dollars. trigéegg lu; For an agent for the Indian tribes residing upon the waters of the wr mam and ·Upper Platte and Upper Arkansas Rivers, the sum of fifteen hundred Upper Arksinsss. dollars.