90 STAT. 1394
15 USC 1311 note.
15 USC 58. Report to Congress. Legislative recommendations.
PUBLIC LAW 94-435—SEPT. 30, 1976 "(i)(1) Any action taken by the Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney General or any failure of the Federal Trade Commission or the Assistant Attorney General to take any action under this section shall not bar any proceeding or any action with respect to such acquisition at any time under any other section of this Act or any other provision of law. "(2) Nothing contained in this section shall limit the authority of the Assistant Attorney General or the Federal Trade Commission to secure at any time from any person documentary material, oral testimony, or other information under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, or any other provision of law. "(j) Beginning not later than January 1, 1978, the Federal Trade Commission, with the concurrence of the Assistant Attorney General, shall annually report to the Congress on the operation of this section. Such report shall include an assessment of the effects of this section, of the effects, purpose, and need for any rules promulgated pursuant thereto, and any recommendations for revisions of this section.". EFFECTIVE DATES
15 USC 18a note.
Ante, p. 1390. 15 USC 18a.
SEC. 202. (a) The amendment made by section 201 of this Act shall take effect 150 days after the date of enactment of this Act, except that subsection (d) of section 7A of the Clayton Act (as added by section 201 of this Act) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. TITLE III—PARENS P A T R I A E PARENS PATRIAE ACTIONS BY STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL
SEC. 301. The Clayton Act is amended by inserting immediately following section 4B the following new sections: li ACTIONS BY STATE ATTORNEYS
15 USC 15c.
15 USC 1-7.
Treble damage awards. eosts. Notice, publication.
"SEC. 4 C. (a)(1) Any attornev general of a State may bring a civil action in the name of such State, as parens patriae on behalf of natural persons residing in such State, in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction of the defendant, to secure monetary relief as provided in this section for injury sustained by such natural persons to their property by reason of any violation of the Sherman Act. The court shall exclude from the amount of monetary relief awarded in such action any amount of monetary relief (A) which duplicates amounts which have been awarded for the same injury, or (B) which is properly allocable to (i) natural persons who have excluded their claims pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of this section, and (ii) any business entity. "(2) The court shall award the State as monetary relief threefold the total damage sustained as described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, and the cost of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee. "(b)(1) In any action brought under subsection (a)(1) of this section, the State attorney general shall, at such times, in such manner, and with such content as the court may direct, cause notice thereof to be given by publication. If the court finds that notice given solely by publication would deny due process of law to any person or persons, the court may direct further notice to such person or persons according to the circumstances of the case.