Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/733

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-482—OCT. 12, 1976

90 STAT. 2201

"Subpart 2—Programs of National Significance "PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT

"SEC. 171. (a) Funds reserved to the Commissioner under section 20 USC 2401. 103 for programs under this part shall be used primarily for contracts, and in some cases for grants, for— "(1) activities authorized by sections 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, and 136, if such activities are deemed to be of national significance by the Commissioner; "(2) support of a national center for research in vocational education, chosen once every five years, which center shall be a nonprofit agency, shall be assisted by an advisory committee appointed by the Commissioner, shall have such locations, including contracts with one or more regional research centers, as shall be determined by the Commissioner after consultation with the national center and its advisory committee taking into consideration the vocational education research resources available, geographical area to be served and the schools, programs, projects, and students and areas to be served by research activities, and shall, either directly or through other public agencies— "(A) conduct applied research and development on problems of national significance in vocational education; "(B) provide leadership development through an advanced study center and inservice education activities for State and local leaders in vocational education;. "(C) disseminate the results of the research and development projects funded by the center; " (D) develop and provide information to facilitate national planning and policy development in vocational education; " (E)(i) act as a clearinghouse for information on contracts made by the States pursuant to section 131, section 132, and section 133 and on contracts made by the Commissioner pursuant to this section; and (ii) compile an annotated bibliography of research, exemplary and innovative program projects, and curriculum development projects assisted with funds made available under this Act since July 1, 1970; and " (F) work with States, local educational agencies, and other public agencies in developing methods of evaluating programs, including the follow-up studies of program completers and leavers required by section 112, so that these agencies can offer job training programs which are more closely related to the types of jobs available in their communities, regions, and States; and " (3) training and development programs as described in section 172. "(b)(1) The Commissioner shall not make a grant pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection (a) unless the applicant can demonstrate a reasonable probability that such grant will result in improved teaching techniques or curriculum materials that will be used in a substantial number of classrooms or other learning situations within five years after the termination date of such grant. "(2) Every contract made by the Commissioner for the purpose of funding exemplary and innovative projects pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection (a) shall, to the extent consistent with the number of students enrolled in nonprofit private schools in the area to be served whose educational needs are of the type which the project involved is to meet, provide for the participation of such students; and such con-