Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/916

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2384

38 USC 1502. 38 USC 1503.

38 USC 1504. 38 USC 1505. 38 USC 1507. 38 USC 1508. 38 USC 1509.

38 USC 1510. 38 USC 1511.

PUBLIC LAW 94-502—OCT. 15, 1976 SEC. 102. Section 1503(c) of title 38, United States Code, is amended by striking out ", but not beyond ten years after such termination date, or June 30, 1975, whichever date is the later," and inserting in lieu thereof "when such action is determined by the Administrator to be necessary for such veteran based upon such veteran's disability and need for vocational rehabilitation,". SEC. 103. Section 1511 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the facilities of any agency of the United States, as designated in clause (3) of this section, may be used to provide unpaid training or work experience as part or all of a veteran's program of vocational rehabilitation when the Administrator determines such training or work experience to be necessary to accomplish vocational rehabilitation. While pursuing such training or work experience, an uncompensated veteran shall be deemed an employee of the United States for the purposes of the benefits of chapter 81 of title 5 but not for the purposes of laws administered by the Civil Service Commission.". SEC. 104. Chapter 31 of title 38, United States Code, is amended— (1) by striking out in the second sentence of section 1502(b) "him" and inserting in lieu thereof "the veteran"; (2) by striking out in subsections (a) and (b) of section 1503 "his", "he", and "him" each time they appear and inserting in lieu thereof "the veteran's", "the veteran", and "the veteran", respectively; (3) by striking out in section 1503(c) "him" and "he" each time they appear and inserting in lieu thereof "the veteran" and by striking out "his" the first and second time it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "the veteran's" and "the veteran", respectively; (4) by striking out in subsections (a) and (c) of section 1504 "his" and "him" and inserting in lieu thereof "the veteran's" and "the employer", respectively; (5} by striking out in section 1505 "he" and "his" and inserting m lieu thereof "the Administrator" and "the veteran's", respectively; (6) by striking out in section 1507 "him" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Administrator"; (7) by striking out in section 1508 "he" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Administrator"; (8) by striking out in section 1509(a) "him", "his", and "he" each time they appear and inserting in lieu thereof "the veteran", "the veteran's", and "the veteran", respectively; (9) by striking out in section 1509(b) "he" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Administrator"; (10) by striking out in section 1510 "he" each time it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "such person"; and (11) by striking out in section 1511 "he" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Administrator". TITLE II—VETEEANS' EDUCATION KATE AND PROGRAM ADJUSTMENTS

38 USC 1682.

SEC. 201. Chapter 34 of title 38, United States Code, is amended— (1) by amending the table contained in paragraph (1) of section 1682(a) to read as follows: