Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1042

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1008

Comprehensive program of extension, submittal to Secretary of Agriculture. Ejititlement.

Work plans.

Report to Secretary of Agriculture.

Lost or misapplied funds.

Institutional operations, report to Governor.

Report to President.

U.S. mail service, use.

PUBLIC LAW 95-113—SEPT. 29, 1977 farm population of all the States in which the eligible institutions are located, as determined by the last preceding decennial census. In computing the distribution of funds allocated under paragraph (2) of this subsection, the allotments to Tuskegee Institute and Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University shall be determined as if each institution were in a separate State. (c) The State director of the cooperative extension service and the administrative head for extension at the eligible institution in each State where an eligible institution is located shall jointly develop, by mutual agreement, a comprehensive program of extension for such State to be submitted for approval by the Secretary within one year after the date of enactment of this title. (d) On or about the first day of October in each year after enactment of this title, the Secretary shall ascertain whether each eligible institution is entitled to receive its share of the annual appropriation for extension work under this section and the amount which it is entitled to receive. Before the funds herein provided shall become available to any eligible institution for any fiscal year, plans for the work to be carried out under this section shall be submitted by the proper officials of each institution and approved by the Secretary. Such sums shall be paid in equal quarterly payments on or about October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1 of each year to the treasurer or other officer of the eligible institution duly authorized to receive such payments and such officer shall be required to report to the Secretary on or about the first day of December of each year a detailed statement of the amount so received during the previous fiscal year and its disbursement, on forms prescribed by the Secretary. (e) If any portion of the moneys received by any eligible institution for the support and maintenance of extension work as provided in this section shall by any action or contingency be diminished or lost or be misapplied, it shall be replaced by such institution and until so replaced no subsequent appropriation shall be apportioned or paid to such institution. No portion of such moneys shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the purchase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or buildings, or the purchase or rental of land, or in college course teaching, lectures in college, or any other purpose not specified in this section. It shall be the duty of such institution, annually, on or about the first day of January, to make to the Governor of the State in which it is located a full and detailed report of its operations in extension work, including a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures from all sources for this purpose, a copy of which report shall be sent to the Secretary. (f) If the Secretary finds that an eligible institution is not entitled to receive its share of the annual appropriation, the facts and reasons therefor shall be reported to the President, and the amount involved shall be kept separate in the Treasury until the expiration of the next Congress in order that the institution may, if it should so desire, appeal to Congress from the determination of the Secretary. If the next Congress does not direct such sum to be paid, it shall be carried to surplus. (g) To the extent that the official mail consists of correspondence, bulletins, and reports for furtherance of the purposes of this section, it ^ a l l be transmitted in the mails of the United States under penalty indicia: Provided, That each item shall bear such indicia as are prescribed by the Postmaster General and shall be mailed under such