Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1050

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1016

PUBLIC LAW 95-113—SEPT. 29, 1977 (1) expand the operational coordination of the Department of Agriculture with institutions and other persons throughout the world performing agricultural research and extension activities by exchanging research materials and results with such institutions or_ persons and by conducting with such institutions or persons joint or coordinated research and extension on problems of significance to agriculture in the United States; (2) assist the Agency for International Development with a ^ i cultural research and extension programs in developing countries; (3) work with developed countries on agricultural research and extension, including the stationing of United States scientists at national and international institutions in such countries; (4) assist United States colleges and universities in strengthening their capabilities for agricultural research and extension relevant to agricultural development activities overseas; and (5) further develop within the Department of Agriculture highly qualified experienced scientists who specialize in international programs, to be available for the activities described in this section. Subtitle J—Studies EVALUATION OF THE EXTENSION SERVICE AND THE COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICES '

Transmittal to Congress.

7 USC 3301.

SEC. 1459. The Secretary shall transmit to Congress, not later than March 31, 1979, an evaluation of the economic and social consequences of the programs of the Extension Service and the cooperative extension services, including those programs relating to agricultural production and distribution, home economics, nutrition education (including the Expanded Family and Nutrition Education Program), community development, and 4-H youth programs. WEATHER AND WATER ALLOCATION STUDY

Report to President and Congress.

7 USC 3302.

SEC 1460. The Secretary shall conduct a comprehensive study of the effects of changing climate and weather on crop and livestock productivity and, within twelve months after the date of the enactment of this title, submit to the President and Congress a report together with pertinent recommendations, on this study. The study shall include— (1) an assessment of current climate and weather conditions in the United States and the possible impact of changes in climate and weather conditions on the Nation's economy and future food and feed availability and prices; (2) a review of Federal and State water allocation policies; and (3) a consideration of strategies and techniques for dealing with water shortages in the United States that could occur if current climate and weather conditions continue or become more severe. ORGANIC FARMING STUDY

Report to President and Congress.

7 USC 3303.

SEC. 1461. The Secretary shall conduct, and, within twelve months after the date of enactment of this title, submit to the President and Congress a report containing the results of and the Secretary's recommendations concerning, an investigation and analysis of the practicability, desirability, and feasibility of collecting organic waste