Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1061

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-113—SEPT. 29, 1977

91 STAT. 1027

(c) Section 4(a) is amended by— ^ 7 USC 76. (1) striking out "grain sorghum" and inserting in lieu thereof "sorghum"; (2) inserting a comma after "equipment calibration and maintenance"; and (3) inserting "or procedures" after "(2) standards" and after "revoke such standards" and striking out "procedures" after "weight certification". (d) Section 7 is amended by— 7 USC 79. (1) designating the third sentence in paragaph (2) of subsection (e) as paragraph (4) of subsection (e) and inserting it at the end of subsection (e); (2) amending subsection (f) by— (A) in the first sentence of paragraph (2), inserting "or State delegated authority pursuant to subsection (e)(2) of this section" immediately after "Not more than one official agency", inserting "inspection" immediately before "provisions of this Act", and striking out ", but this paragraph shall not be applicable to prevent any inspection agency from operating in any area in which it was operative on August 15, 1968"; (B) striking out "No" in the second sentence of paragraph (2) and inserting in lieu thereof "Except as authorized by the Administrator, no"; (C) designating the second sentence of paragraph (2) as paragraph (3) of subsection (f); and (D) designating the third sentence of paragraph (2) as paragraph (4) of subsection (f); (3) striking out "subsections (e) and (f) " in paragraph (1) of subsection (g) and inserting in lieu thereof "subsection (f) "; and (4) adding at the end of subsection (i) a new sentence as follows: "All or specified functions of such inspections shall be performed by official inspection personnel employed by the Service or, except for appeals, by persons operating under a contract with the Service.". (e) Section 7A is amended by— 7 USC 79a (1) in subsection (b), inserting "official weighing or" immediately after "The Administrator is authorized to cause" and inserting "at export elevators" immediately after "located other than"; (2) amending paragraph (2) of subsection (c) by— (A) in the first sentence, inserting "or supervision of weighing" immediately after "to delegate authority to perform official weighing", inserting "official weighing or" immediately before "supervision of weighing, if such agency or person qualifies", and striking out "number" and inserting in lieu thereof "under"; (B) in clause (A) of the second sentence, striking out "at export elevators", and inserting "or supervision of weighing" immediately after "official weighing"; and (C) inserting "official weighing or" immediately before "supervision of weighing" wherever this phrase appears in clause (B) of the second sentence; (3) adding at the end of subsection (d) a new sentence as follows: "All or specified functions of such weighing shall be performed by official inspection personnel employed by the Service or, except for appeals, by persons operating under a contract with the Service.";