Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1086

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1052

42 USC 3723.

42 USC 5671, 3768. 42 USC 5633.

42 USC 5632. Ante, p. 1051.

Effective date,

PUBLIC LAW 95-115—OCT. 3, 1977 (ii) may advise the Governor and the legislature on matters related to its functions, as requested; (iii) shall have an opportunity for review and comment on all juvenile justice and delinquency prevention grant applications submitted to the State planning agency other than those subject to review by the State's judicial planning committee established pursuant to section 203 (c) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, except that any such review and comment shall be made no later than 30 days after the submission of any such application to the advisory group; and (iv) may be given a role in monitoring State compliance with the requirements of paragraph (12)(A) and paragraph (13), in advising on State planning agency and regional planning unit supervisory board composition, in advising on the State's maintenance of effort under section 261(b) and section 520(b) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, and in review of the progress and accomplishments of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention projects funded under the comprehensive State plan;". (2) Section 223(a)(4) of the Act is amended— (A) by striking out "local governments" the first place it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof "units of general local government or combinations thereof"; and (B) by inserting immediately before the semicolon at the end thereof the following: ", except that nothing in the plan requirements, or any regulations promulgated to carry out such requirements, shall be construed to prohibit or impede the State from making grants to, or entering into contracts with, local private agencies or the advisory group". (3)(A) Section 223(a)(5) of the Act is amended to read as follows: "(5) unless the provisions of this paragraph are waived at the discretion of the Administrator for any State in which the services for delincjuent or other youth are organized primarily on a statewide basis, provide that at least 66% per centum of funds received by the State under section 222, other than funds made available to the State advisory group under section 222(e), shall be expended through— "(A) programs of units of general local government or combinations thereof, to the extent such programs are consistent with the State plan; and "(B) programs of local private agencies, to the extent such programs are consistent with the State plan, except that direct funding of any local private agency by a State shall be permitted only if such agency requests such funding after it has applied for and been denied funding by any unit of general local government or combination thereof;". (B) Effective October 1, 1978, section 223(a)(5) of the Act, as amended by subparagraph (A), is amended by striking out "section 222(e)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 222(d)". (4) Section 223(a)(6) of the Act is amended by striking out "local government" and inserting in lieu thereof "unit of general local government", and by inserting "or to a regional planning agency" after "local government's structure". (5) Section 223(a)(8) of the Act is amended by inserting before the semicolon at the end thereof a period and the following: "Programs and projects developed from the study may be funded under paragraph (10) provided that they meet the criteria for advanced technique programs as specified therein".