Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1101

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-118—OCT. 3, 1977

91 STAT. 1067

Public Law 95- 118 95th Congress An Act To provide for increased participation by the United States in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Development Fund, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I—PURPOSE AND POLICY; DECLARATION OF CONGRESSIONAL INTENT IN RESPECT TO CONTINUED PARTICIPATION OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FOSTERING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES SEC. 101. (a) I t is the sense of the Congress that— (1) for humanitarian, economic, and political reasons, it is in the national interest of the United States to assist in fostering economic development in the less developed countries of this world; (2) the development-oriented international financial institutions have proved themselves capable of playing a significant role in assisting economic development by providing to less developed countries access to capital and technical assistance and soliciting from them maximum self-help and mutual cooperation; (3) this has been achieved with minimal risk of financial loss to contributing countries; (4) such institutions have proved to be an effective mechanism for sharing the burden among developed countries of stimulating economic development in the less developed world; and (5) although continued United States participation in the international financial institutions is an important part of efforts by the United States to assist less developed countries, more of this burden should be shared by other developed countries. As a step in that direction, in future negotiations, the United States should work toward aggregate contributions to future replenishments to international financial institutions covered by this Act not to exceed 25 per centum. (b) The Congress recognizes that economic development is a longterm process needing funding commitments to international financial institutions. It also notes that the availability of funds for the United States contribution to international financial institutions is subject to the appropriations process.

Oct. 3, 1977 [H.R. 5262]

International financial institutions. U.S. participation, increase.

22 USC 262c.

TITLE II—INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SEC. 201. The Bretton Woods Agreements Act (22 U.S.C. 286 et seq.) is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section:

Capital stock increase, authorization.