Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1120

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1086

PUBLIC LAW 95-119—OCT. 4, 1977 ects" and "Construction, minor projects") shall be available for the purchase of any site for or toward the construction of any new hospital or home. No part of the foregoing appropriations shall be available for hospitalization or examination of any persons except beneficiaries entitled under the laws bestowing such benefits to veterans, unless reimbursement of cost is made to the appropriation at such rates as may be fixed by the Administrator of Veterans Affairs. 5^./


Corporations and agencies of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board which are 31 USC 841 note, subject to the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended, are hereby authorized to make such expenditures, within the limits of funds and borrowing authority available to each such corporation » or agency and in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commitments without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by 31 USC 849. section 104 of the Act as may be necessary in carrying out the programs set forth in the budget for the current fiscal year for such corporation or agency except as hereinafter provided: Provided, That collections of these corporations and agencies may be used for new loan or mortgage purchase commitments only to the extent expressly provided for in this Act (unless such loans are in support of other forms of assistance provided for in this or prior appropriation Acts), except that this proviso shall not apply to the mortgage insurance or guaranty operations of these corporations, or where loans or mortgage purchases are necessary to protect the financial interest of the United States Government. , FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOARD



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Not to exceed a total of $16,730,000 shall be available for administrative expenses of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, which may procure services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, and contracts for such services with one organization may be renewed annually, and uniforms or allowances therefor in accordance with law (5 U.S.C. 5901-5902), and said amount shall be derived from funds available to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, including those in the Federal Home Loan Bank Board revolving fund and receipts of the Board for the current fiscal year and prior fiscal years, and the Board may utilize and may make payment for services and facilities of the Federal home loan banks, the Federal Reserve banks, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and other agencies of the Government (including payment for office space): Provided, That all necessary expenses in connection with