Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1433

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-190—NOV. 16, 1977

91 STAT. 1399

person", and by striking out the parenthesis after "or other person" and substituting "referred to in clause (A), (B), or (C)". EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE

SEC. 13. Section 1442(a)(2)(B) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended by section 9 of this Act, is further amended by striking Ante, p. 1397. out "respecting drinking water" and all that follows down through the period at the end thereof and substituting: "affecting public water systems (including sources of water for such systems) which the Administrator determines to present substantial danger to the public health. Grants provided under this subparagraph shall be used only to sup- Grants, port those actions which (i) are necessary for preventing, limiting or mitigating danger to the public health in such emergency situation and (ii) would not, in the judgment of the Administrator, be taken without such emergency assistance. The Administrator may carry out the program authorized under this subparagraph as part of, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of, any other program of assistance for environmental emergencies which the Administrator is authorized to carry out under any other provision of law. No limitation on appropriations for any such other program shall apply to amounts appropriated under this subparagraph.". CLEAN AIR ACT TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING


SEC. 14. (a) The Clean Air Act is amended as follows: (1) in section 110(a)(2)(H) insert a semicolon at the end thereof; (2) in section 110(a)(2)(J) strike out the comma at the end thereof and substitute a semicolon; (3) in section 110(a)(5)(D) strike out "preconstruction or premodification"; (4) in section 110(a)(3) add the following new subparagraph at the end thereof: "(D) Any applicable implementation plan for which an attainment date later than December 31, 1982, is provided pursuant to section 172(a)(2) shall be revised by July 1, 1979, to include the comprehensvie measures and requirements referred to in subsection (c)(5)(B)/'; (5) in section 110 redesignate subsections (g), (h), and (i) (as added by section 108(g) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977) as (h), (i),and (j),respectively; (6) in section llO(j), as redesignated by paragraph (5) of this subsection, strike out "at such source will enable it" and substitute "will enable such source"; (7) in section 111(a) redesignate paragraph (7) (as added by section 109(f) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977) as paragraph (8); (8) in section 111 strike out subsection (j) and redesignate the following subsections accordingly; (9) in section l l l (j)(2), as redesignated by paragraph (8) of this subsection, strike out" (8)" and substitute " (B) ";

State implementation plans for ambient air quality standards. 42 USC 7410. Ante, p. 694. Ante, p. 695.

Ante, p. 746.

Ante, p. 696.

New stationary sources, performance standards. Ante, p. 703. Ante, p. 701.