Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1558

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1524

Publication in Federal Register.

PUBLIC LAW 95-216—DEC. 20, 1977 application of this subsection in such cases shall be modified by the application of subdivision (I) in the last sentence of paragraph (4) oi that subsection)). For purposes of computing primary insurance amounts and maximum family benefits (other than primary insurance amounts and maximum family benefits for individuals to whom such paragraph (4)(B) applies), the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register revisions of the table of benefits contained in subsection (a), as m effect in December 1978, as required by paragraph (2)(D) of this subsection as then in effect.". MAXIMUM BENEFITS

42 USC 403.

SEC. 202. The text of section 203(a) of the Social Security Act is amended to read as follows: "(a)(1) In the case of an individual whose primary insurance Ante, p. 1514. amount has been computed or recomputed under section 215(a)(1) Ante, p. 1519. or (4), or section 215(d), as in effect after December 1978, the total monthly benefits to which beneficiaries may be entitled under section Post, pp. 1544, 202 or 223 for a month on the basis of the wages and self-employment 1547. income of such individual shall, except as provided by paragraph (3) (but prior to any increases resulting from the application of paraAnte, p. 1521. graph (2)(A) (ii) ( III) of section 215(i)), be reduced as necessary so as not to exceed— "(A) 150 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it does not exceed the amount established with respect to this subparagraph by paragraph (2), "(B) 272 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it exceeds the amount established with respect to subparagraph (A) but does not exceed the amount established with respect to this subparagraph by paragraph (2), "(C) 134 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it exceeds the amount established with respect to subparagraph (B) but does not exceed the amount established with respect to this subparagraph by paragraph (2), and "(D) 175 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it exceeds the amount established with respect to subparagraph (C). Any such amount that is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $0.10. "(2)(A) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming so eligible for such benefits), in the calendar year 1979, the amounts established with respect to subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of paragraph (1) shall be $230, $332, and $433, respectively. "(B) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming so eligible for such benefits), in any calendar year after 1979, each of the amounts so established shall equal the product of the corresponding amount established for the calendar year 1979 by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and the quotient obtained under subparagraph (B) (ii) of Ante, p. 1514. section 215(a)(1), with such product being rounded in the manner prescribed by section 215(a)(1)(B) (iii). Publication in "(C) In each calendar year after 1978 the Secretary shall publish Federal Register, in the Federal Register, on or before November 1, the formula which Ante, p. 1523. (except as provided in section 215(i)(2)(D)) is to be applicable under this paragraph to individuals who become eligible for old-age or dis-