Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1852

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977



Engineers, Corps of—Continued State administrative program for disposal of dredged of fill material, submittal of comments on 1601 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, appropriation for 342 Environment Program Participation Act of 1973, United Nations, appropriation for effecting provisions 1230 Environmental Cancer and Heart and Lung Disease, Task Force on, establishment 791 Environmental Health Sciences, National Institute of. See National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Environmental Improvement Act of 1970, National, appropriation for effecting provisions 1079 Environmental Policy Act of 1969, National, appropriation for effecting provisions 1079 Environmental Protection Agency: Alaskan villages sanitation services, joint study with Federal, State, and Native agencies 1569 Appropriation for 68,109,122, 1078 Clean Air Act. See separate title. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 685 Amendments 1404, 1405 Clean Water Act of 1977 1566 Environmental evaluation of nonnuclear energy research, transfer of functions from Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Quality 1634 Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 1257 Federal Water Pollution Control Act. See separate title. Financial interest disclosure statements from officers and employees 780, 1263 Food and Renewable Resources, Subcommittee on, member 986 Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1977 1393 Science Advisory Board, establishment 1260 Seafood processing, pollution of marine environment, study 1609 Sewage sludge, cessation of ocean dumping 1255 Task Force on Environmental Cancer and Heart and Lung Disease, member 791 Waste treatment works construction, cost recovery, study 1609 Water quality control programs, interagency agreements 1588

Environmental Quality, Council on: Appropriation for 1070 Environmental evaluation of nonnuclear energy research, transfer of functions to Environmental Protection Agency 1634 Environmental research and development, coordination of, joint study on 1262 Environmental Quality, Office of: Appropriation for 1079 Environmental evaluation of nonnuclear energy research, transfer of functions to Environmental Protection Agency 1634 Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 1257 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, appropriation for 110, 437 Ethiopia, assistance, prohibition of funds 1239 Europe, Commission on Security and Cooperation in, appropriation for 437 Europe, Conference on Security and Cooperation in. United States delegation to preparatory meeting, sense of Congress 1675 European Economic Community, governing international fishery agreement with, congressional approval 18 Executive Office Appropriations Act, 1978 344 Executive Office of the President. See Executive Office under President of the United States. ' Executive Protection Service, name changed to United States Secret Service Uniformed Division 1371 Export Administration Act of 1969: Amendments 235-242,244-247, 1629 Appropriation for effecting provisions 430 Export Administration Amendments of 1977 235 Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, amendments 1210 Export-Import Bank of the United States: Antinuclear proliferation policy, financing of nuclear power exports 1210 Appropriation for 110, 1238 Government subsidized export financing, international agreements for the reduction of. 1210 Human rights considerations, impact on export transactions 1210 Statutory operating authority, extension 1211