Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/260

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 226


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PUBLIC LAW 95-46—JUNE 15, 1977 (3) an analysis of existing repayment obligations, including rates and types of repayment, the duration of repayments, and the desirability of maintaining present repayment timetables or of modifying them in order to ensure that an equitable burden of repayment falls on all project beneficiaries; (4) a review of the contractual commitments for water delivery to water districts of the unit, and the development of new methods for calculating and, on a periodic basis, recalculating, all future water service charges; ^ (5) the fiscal and future environmental impacts of the completion, under current plans, of the San Luis interceptor drain north of Kesterson Reservoir, and recommendations as to the feasibility of implementing alternative uses of waste, water such as reclamation for agricultural or industrial re-use; (6) a procedure to provide greater public awareness of and participation in the design and review of future water delivery contracts by all potentially affected parties by means of public notice and the opportunity for a public hearing; (7) the adequacy of present levels of authorization for completing the unit and recommendations for funding such completion, such as indexing of authorization or periodic reauthorization; (8) the record of enforcement of the requirements concerning the disposition of excess lands by persons receiving Federal water or major project benefits, and the residency requirement of the j^ci of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), to the extent required by law, and an evaluation of the success of the project in fostering family farms, including the adequacy of present legislation and departmental rules and regulations pertaining to these provisions; (9) the impact of the commitment of water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in excess of that obligated in the existing long-term contract, for delivery to the unit under future contracts; (10) the fiscal and agricultural impacts of extending the project ^Q encompass federally constructed ground water integration operations.