Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/359

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-79—JULY 30, 1977 ages are adequate for manufacture of such projectiles by a source other than the developer. (b) Competitive cruise missile development programs shall continue until the Secretary of Defense certifies to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives that (1) a single airframe for the cruise missile can be selected which meets all operational requirements, and (2) cost data clearly establish that termination of the competitive cruise missile development programs will result in lower development and procurement costs for the cruise missile. SKC. 208. Of the funds authorized to be appropriated under section 201 for the Navy (including the Marine Corps) for research, development, test, and evaluation, an amount not to exceed $3,894,000 shall be available only for (1) defining a set of design specifications for the Shipboard Intermediate Range Combat System (SIRCS) program, and (2) conducting an open competition, to be conducted after such design specifications have been defined and to be based on such specifications, to select a contractor or contractors for the advanced development phase of such program. In developing such design specifications, the Secretary of the Navy shall include the best features of the designs developed by the three contractors which have been selected for the program before the date of enactment of this Act and such other features as the Secretary considers appropriate. A contract entered into under the competition required by this section may be for development of the entire system or for development of any independent subsystem of the system. SEC. 204. No funds authorized to be appropriated under section 201 shall be obligated for the fabrication of hardware required to accommodate a specific 120-millimeter gun in the XM-1 tank turret or for the installation of a 120-millimeter gun in an XM-1 tank full-scale engineering-development vehicle unless and until— (1) comparative testing of the 105-millimeter gun system with the candidate 120-millimeter gun systems of the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany is completed, if the gun systems of such countries are available for testing as currently scheduled; (2) the test results of such comparative testing are evaluated by the Secretary of the Army; (3) the Secretary of the Army makes a recommendation to the Congress, which shall be submitted no later than February 1, 1978, consistent with such test results and evaluations for development and procurement of a specific 120-millimeter XM-1 tank main gun; and (4) thirty days, excluding periods of recess of more than three days by either House of Congress, elapse from the date on which the Secretary of the Army submits a recommendation under paragraph (3). SEC. 205. The Secretary of the Army shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives, no later than February 1, 1978, a plan for the funding and scheduling necessary to incorporate by October 1, 1980, collective system protection against chemical and radiological agents for all main battle tanks, mechanized infantry combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, armored self-propelled artillery vehicles, armored self-propelled air defense artillery vehicles, and other such types of equipment associated with the above in combat operations which will be in development or procurement in fiscal year 1981.

91 STAT. 325 j;

Design specifications,


Recommendation, submittal to Congress.

Plan, submittal to Congress,
