Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/407

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-82—AUG. 1, 1977

91 STAT. 373

(c) This section shall apply with respect to any military family Applicability, housing facility in any State, the District of Columbia, the Conmionwealth of Puerto Rico, or Guam. (d) The provisions of subsection (a)(2) shall not be implemented until— (1) the Secretary of Defense conducts a test program to deter- Test program, mine the feasibility of assessing occupants of military family i housing charges for excess energy consumption; (2) the Secretary of Defense provides the written results of Results and ,i such test program, together with proposed regulations implement- regulations, ing this section, to the Committees on Armed Services and Appro- submittal to priations of the Senate and the House of Representatives; and cong (3) a period of 90 days expires following the date on which committees. the results referred to in clause (2) have been submitted to such committees. APPROPRIATIONS LIMITATIONS

SEC. 508. There is authorized to be appropriated for use by the Secretary of Defense, or his designee, for military family housing and homeowners assistance as authorized by law for the following purposes: (1) For construction of, or acquisition of sole interest in, family housing, including demolition, authorized improvements to public quarters, minor construction, relocation of family housing, rental guarantee payments, and planning, an amount not to exceed $65,200,000. (2) For support of military family housing, including operating expenses, leasing, maintenance of real property, payments of principal and interest on mortgage debts incurred, payment to the Commodity Credit Corporation, and mortgage insurance premiums authorized under section 222 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715m), an amount not to exceed $1,441,440,000. (3) For homeowners assistance under section 1013 of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 3374), including acquisition of properties, an amount not to exceed $3,000,000. (4) For procurement and installation of energy consumption measuring devices, an amount not to exceed $70,000,000. TITLE VI—GENERAL PROVISIONS WAIVER o r


SEC. 601. The Secretary of each military department may proceed to establish or develop installations and facilities under this Act without regard to section 3648 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 529), and sections 4774 and 9774 of title 10, United States Code. The authority to place permanent or temporary improvements on land includes authority for surveys, administration, overhead, planning, and supervision incident to construction. That authority may be exercised before title to the land is approved under section 355 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (40 U.S.C. 255), and even though the land is held temporarily. The authority to acquire real estate or land includes authority to make surveys and to acquire land, and interests in land (including temporary use), by gift, purchase, exchange of Government-owned land, or otherwise.