Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/488

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 454


Consultation. Rules and regulations.

30 USC 1224.

Annual report to Congress.

SEC. 304. (a) The Secretary of the Interior is hereby charged with the responsibility for the proper administration of this title and, after full consultation with other interested Federal agencies, shall prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out, its provisions. The Secretary shall furnish such advice and assistance as will best promote the purposes of this title, participate in coordinating research initiated under this title by the institutes, indicate to them such lines of inquiry as to liim seem most important, and encourage and assist in the establishment and maintenance of cooperation by and between the institutes and between them and other research organizations, the United States Department of the Interior, and other Federal establishments. (b) On or before the 1st day of July in each year after the passage of this title, the Secretary shall ascertain whether- the requirements of section 303(a) have been met as to each institute and State. (c) The Secretary shall make an annual report to the Congress of the receipts, expenditures, and work of the institutes in all States under the provisions of this title. The Secretary's report shall indicate whether any portion of an appropriation available for allotment to any State has been withheld and, if so, the reason therefor. AUTONOMY

30 USC 1225.

SEC. 305. Nothing in this title shall be construed to impair or modify the legal relationship existing between any of the colleges or universities under whose direction an institute is established and the government of the State in which it is located, and nothing in this title shall in any way be construed to authorize Federal control or direction of education at any college or university. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

30 USC 1226.


Information, availability to public,


S E C 306. (a) The Secretary of the Interior shall obtain the continuing advice and cooperation of all agencies of the Federal Government concerned with mining and mineral resources, of State and local governments, and of private institutions and individuals to assure that the programs authorized in this title will supplement and not duplicate established mining and minerals research programs, to stimulate research in otherwise neglected areas, and to contribute to a comprehensive nationwide program of mining and minerals research, having due regard for the protection and conservation of the environment. The Secretary shall make generally available information and reports on projects completed, in progress, or planned under the provisions of this title, in addition to any direct publication of information by the institutes themselves. (b) Nothing in t h i s title is intended to give or shall be construed as giving the Secretary of the Interior any authority over mining and mineral resources research conducted by any agency of the Federal Government, or as repealing, superseding, or diminishing existing authorities or responsibilities of any agency of the Federal Government to plan and conduct, contract for, or assist in research in its area of responsibility and concern with mining and mineral resources. (c) Contracts or other arrangements for mining and mineral resources research work authorized under this title with an institute, educational institution, or nonprofit organization may be undertaken