Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/666

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

9 1 STAT. 632

PUBLIC LAW 9 5 - 9 3 — A U G. 5, 1977 i



SEC. 201, Title III of the Comprehensive Employment and T r a i n i n g Act of 1973 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new part: " P A R T C — Y O U T H EMPLOYMENT DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

29 USC 891.

" SEC. 321, I t is the purpose of this part to establish a variety of employment, t r a i n i n g and demonstration programs to explore methods of dealing with the structural unemployment problems of the Nation's youth. The basic purpose of the demonstration programs shall be to test the relative efficacy of different ways of dealing with these problems in different local contexts, but this basic purpose shall not preclude the funding of programs dealing with the immediate difficulties faced by youths who are in need of, and unable to find, jobs. I t is explicitly not the purpose of this part to provide make-work opportunities for unemployed y o u t h; instead, it is the purpose to provide youth, and particularly economically disadvantaged youth, with opportunities to learn and earn that will lead to meaningful employment opportunities after they have completed the program. "SUBPART I — Y O U T H INCENTIVE ENTITLEMENT P I L O T PROJECTS "ENTITLEMENT PILOT PROJECTS AUTHORIZED

29 USC 892.


Prime sponsors.




" SEC. 325. (a) The Secretary shall enter into arrangements with prime sponsors selected in accordance with the provisions of this subpart for the purpose of demonstrating the efficacy of guaranteeing otherwise unavailable part-time employment, or combination of parttime employment and training, for economically disadvantaged youth between the ages of sixteen and nineteen, inclusive, during the school year who resume or maintain attendance in secondary school for the purpose of acquiring a high school diploma or in a program which leads to a certificate of hi^h school equivalency and full-time employment or part-time em]:)loyment and t r a i n i n g during the summer months to each such youth. " (b) E a c h prime sponsor who applies for and is selected by the Secretary to carry out a pilot project under this subpart shall guarantee such employment to each such unemployed youth who resides within the area or a designated part thereof served by the prime sponsor and who applies to that prime sponsor for employment. The Secretary shall provide to each prime sponsor, from funds appropriated for carrying out this subpart, in combination with any funds made available by such prime sponsor according to an agreement made pursuant to section 3 2 7 (a)(4)(F), the amount to which that prime sponsor is entitled under subsection (c). " (c) E a c h prime sponsor shall be entitled to receive, for each youth who is provided employment by that prime sponsor, the costs associated with providing such employment. Such costs shall take into account funds made available by such prime sponsor under section 3 2 7 (a)(4)(F).