Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/705

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 9 5 - 9 4 — A U G. 5, 1977

91 STAT. 671

law so long as these positions are held by the present incumbents, and (5) to pay the three sergeants of the uniform force detailed under the authority of this paragraph the salary of sergeant and such increases in basic compensation as may be subsequently provided by law so long as these positions are held by the present incumbents. Xo part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be paid Limitation. as compensation to any person appointed after June 30, 1935, as an officer or member of the Capitol Police who does not meet the standards to be prescribed for such appointees by the Capitol Police ":• B o a r d: Provided, That the Capitol Police Board is hereby authorized to detail police from the House Office, Senate Office, and Capitol Buildings for police duty on the Capitol Grounds and on the L i b r a r y of Congress Grounds. EDUCATION OF PAGES

For education of congressional pages and pages of the Supreme Court, pursuant to part 9 of title IV of the Legislative Eeorganization Act, 1970, and section 243 of the Legislative Reorganization Act, 1946, $193,700, wdiich amount shall be advanced and credited to the applicable appropriation of the District of Columbia, and the Board of Education of the District of Columbia is hereby authorized to employ such personnel for the education of pages as may be required and to pay compensation for such services in accordance with such rates of compensation as the Board of Education may prescribe. OrriGix\L M A I L

2 USC 88b-l and note, 40 u s e 184a. 2 USC 88a. D.C. eode 31-121.


For expenses necessary for official mail costs pursuant to title 39, U.S.C. section 3216, $48,926,000, to be available immediately on enactment of this Act. The foregoing amounts under "other joint items" shall be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. CAPITOL G U I D E


For salaries and expenses of the Capitol Guide Service, $403,700, to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate: Provided, That, effective October 1, 1977, section 441(c)(2) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 (40 U.S.C. 851(c)(2)) is amended by striking out "a Chief Guide and an Assistant Chief Guide" and inserting in lieu thereof "a Chief Guide, a Deputy Chief Guide, and an Assistant Chief G u i d e ": Provided further, That none of these funds shall be Limitation. used to employ more than twenty-eight individuals: Provided further, That the Capitol Guide Board is authorized, during emergencies, to employ not more than two additional individuals for not more than one hundred twenty days each for the Capitol Guide Service. STATEMENTS or


For the preparation, under the direction of the Committees on contracts. Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the statements for the first session of the Ninety-fifth Congress, showing appropriations made, indefinite appropriations, and contracts authorized, together with a chronological history of the regular appropriation bills as required by law, $13,000, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairman of such committees to supervise the work.