92 STAT. 1606
PUBLIC LAW 95-482—OCT. 18, 1978 retary pursuant to subsection (a) and a comprehensive description of those projects which the Corporation anticipates it will finance during the next fiscal year with funds authorized by this section. (c) Each application for funds available under this section shall be in such form as the Secretary shall provide and shall contain provisions to assure that such funds are disbursed in accordance with the provisions of this section. For the purpose of review or audit, the Secretary shall have access to any b o o ^, documents, papers, and records which are relevant to any grant received under this section. (d) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary not to exceed $16,000,000 in fiscal year 1980, such sums to remain available until expended. Approved October 18, 1978.
LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORT No. 95-1599 (Comm. on Appropriations). SENATE REPORT No. 95-1317 (Comm. on Appropriations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 124 (1978): Sept. 26, considered and passed House. Oct. 15, considered and passed Senate, amended; House agreed to Senate amendments.