92 STAT. 1678
PUBLIC LAW 95-498—OCT. 21, 1978 «'
(5) Tuyuuna (SnakeHead Shrine-Canjilon H i l l); (6) Shayeka Kauwatsesruma (Hunter Shrine); (7)'Kuyau'Kapesru (OldLady Sits Shrine); (8) Huchaniitse (White House Shrine); (9) Dyadyu Tsinautani (Bobcat Point); (10)'Kasreri'Kumiyeisruma (Clown Point); (11) Chapiyu'Ka'kuyanisru (Chapiyu's Trail); (12) Shawiti'tsuyu (Part Point); (13) Hana 'Kai (Sacred Clown Society Shrine); (14) Yusrkuma (Corn Cob Shrine); Such resources so removed are the property of the United States and shall be administered under laws applicable to federally owned resources. Paleontological resources on such lands that are not removed from the lands pursuant to this section shall be managed in a manner that will permit the greatest possible public benefit, use, and study of the resources, consistent with tribal law and practices. (b) Any lands excavated pursuant to this section shall be reclaimed and restored to their original condition by the Secretary, as nearly as he determines may be practicable. Approved October 21, 1978.
LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORT No. 95-1219, accompanying H.R. 3924 (Comm. on Interior and Insular Affairs). SENATE REPORT No. 95-1132 (Select Comm. on Indian Affairs). • ' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 124 (1978): Sept. 6, considered and passed Senate. Oct. 3, 4, H.R. 3924 considered and passed House; passage vacated, and S. 2588, amended, passed in lieu. Oct. 7, Senate concurred in House amendment.