PUBLIC LAW 95-473—OCT. 17, 1978
92 STAT. 1341
SUBCHAPTER V—OFFICE OF RAIL PUBLIC COUNSEL 10381. 10382. 10383. 10384. 10385. 10386. 10387. 10388.
Organization. Duties; standing. Director. Office staff. Powers. Reports. Budget requests and estimates. Authorizations of appropriations
SUBCHAPTER I—ORGANIZATION § 10301. General 49 USC I030l. (a) The Interstate Commerce Commission is an independent establishment of the United States Government. (b) The Commission is composed of 11 members appointed by the Membership. President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Chairman. President shall designate one of the members as Chairman. Not moie than 6 members may be appointed from the same political party. (c) The term of each member of the Commission is 7 years and be- Term. gins when the term of the predecessor of that member ends. An individual appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the predecessor of that individual was appointed. .j.. is appointed for the remainder of that term. When the term of office of a member ends, the member may continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. The President may remove a member for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. (d) A member of the Commission may not have a pecuniary interest in, hold an official relation to, or own stock in or bonds of, a carrier providing transportation by any mode and may not engage in \ another business, vocation, or employment. (e) A vacancy in the membership of the Commission does not impair the right of the remaining members to exercise all of the powers of the Commission. The Commission may designate a member to act as Chairman during any period in which there is no Chairman ^ designated by the President. (f) Subject to the general policies, decisions, findings, and deter- Responsibilities, minations of the Commission, the Chairman is responsible for administering the Commission. The Chairman may delegate the powers granted under this subsection to an officer, employee, or administrative Dd'j unit of the Commission. The Chairman shall— (1) appoint and supervise, other than regular and full time employees in the immediate offices of another member, the officers and employees of the Commission, including attorneys to provide legal aid and service to the Commission and its members, to represent the public interest in investigations and proceedings of the Commission, and to represent the Commission in any case in court; (2) appoint the heads of major administrative units with the approval of the Commission; (3) distribute Commission business among officers and employees and administrative units of the Commission; (4) prepare requests for appropriations for the Commission and submit those requests to the President and Congress with the prior approval of the Commission; and