PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978
92 STAT. 2201
State and local funds in schools not receiving assistance under this title. (3) Services measured by such criteria shall vary by not more than 5 per centum between each school serving such a project area and other schools of the agency. (4) Compliance with such criteria shall be determined on the basis of services actually provided during the current school year. (5) If expenditures are used in the criteria, only expenditures Instructional for instructional services shall be included and for this purpose services, "instructional services" means current expenditures for free public education other than expenditures for attendance and health services, pupil transportation services, operation and maintenance of plant, fixed charges, and net expenditures to cover deficits for food services and student body activities. (6) In all other respects, such criteria shall be consistent with the regulations of the Commissioner pertaining to comparability of services. (d) In order to provide a basis for comparison, local educational Reports. agencies participating in the study under this section shall continue to make reports under existing criteria for comparability of services. TITLE II—ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW TITLE II OF THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT OF 1965 BASIC SKILLS
SEC. 201. Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (hereinafter in titles II through IX of this Act referred to as "the Act") is amended to read as follows: "TITLE II—BASIC SKILLS IMPROVEMENT "PART A—NATIONAL PROGRAM 'PURPOSE
"SEC. 201. The purpose of this part is— 20 USC 2881. "(1) to assist Federal, State, and local educational agencies to coordinate the utilization of all available resources for elementary and secondary education to improve instruction so that all children are able to master the basic skills of reading, mathematics, and effective communication, both written and oral; "(2) to encourage States to develop comprehensive and systematic plans for improving achievement in the basic skills; "(3) to provide financial assistance to State and local educational agencies for the development of programs in the basic skills; "(4) to develop means by which parents working with the schools can contribute to improving the educational achievement of their children; "(5) to encourage the involvement of the private sector in the delivery to children, youths, and adults of educational services .f^S, ^ ^ v, and materials that will improve achievement in the basic skills; and " (6) to expand the use of television and other technology in the delivery of instructional programs aimed at improving achievement in the basic skills.