92 STAT. 2250
PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978
" (A) review the administration of, general regulations for, and operation of the programs assisted under this title at the Federal, State, and local levels, and other Federal education programs; "(B) advise the Commissioner and, when appropriate, the Secretary and other Federal officials with respect to the educational needs and goals of the Nation and assess the progress of the educational agencies, institutions, and organizations of the Nation toward meeting those needs and achieving those goals; "(C) conduct objective evaluations of specific education programs and projects in order to ascertain the effectiveness of such programs and projects in achieving the purpose for which they are intended; "(D) review, evaluate, and transmit to the Congress and the President the reports submitted pursuant to clause (E) of paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of this section; ' ' " (E) make recommendations (including recommendations for changes in legislation) for the improvement of the administration and operation of education programs including the programs authorized by this title; " (F) consult with Federal, State, local, and other educational agencies, institutions, and organizations with respect to assessing education in the Nation and the improvement of the quality of education, including— "(i) areas of unmet needs in education and national goals and the means by which those areas of need may be met and those national goals may be achieved; "(ii) determinations of priorities among unmet needs and national goals; " (iii) specific means of improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching, curricula, and educational media and of raising standards of scholarship and levels of achievement; and "(G) conduct national conferences on the assessment and improvement of education, in which national and regional education associations and organizations. State and local education officers and administrators, and other organizations, institutions, and persons (including parents of children participating in Federal education programs) may exchange and disseminate ; information on the improvement of education; and " (H) conduct, and report on, comparative studies and evaluations of education systems in foreign countries. J "(3) No member of the council shall evaluate any program or project if such member is associated with the program or project as a consultant, technical advisor, or in any other similar capacity. Report to "(4) The National Council shall make an annual report, and such Congress and other reports as it deems appropriate on its findings, recommendations, President g^jj^j activities to the Congress and the President. The President is requested to transmit to the Congress, at least annually, such comments and recommendations as he may have with respect to such reports and its activities. "(5) In carrying out its responsibilities under this section, the National Council shall consult with the National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children, and such other advisory councils and committees as may have information and competence to assist the National Council. AH Federal agencies are directed to