the invention and all such I aim to include in the scope of the appended claims.
What I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent of the United States is:
2401. A radio signaling system comprising an antenna extending horizontally substantially parallel to the surface of the earth and insulated therefrom, a metallic covering comprising sections insulated from each 245other and inclosing said antenna throughout its length but insulated therefrom, and signal instruments associated with said antenna.
2. A radio signaling system comprising 250an antenna extending horizontally substantially parallel to the surface of the earth, a metallic covering comprising short sections connected by couplings of insulating material and inclosing said antenna but 255insulated therefrom, and signal instruments associated with said antenna.
3. A radio signaling system comprising an antenna extending horizontally substantially parallel to the surface of the earth, a 260metallic covering comprising sections insulated from each other and inclosing said antenna but insulated therefrom and in contact with the earth substantially throughout its length, and signal instruments associated with said antenna.265
4. A radio signaling system comprising an antenna extending horizontally substantially parallel to the surface of the earth, a metallic covering for said antenna comprising sections insulated from each other and inclosing said antenna but insulated therefrom, said metallic covering being buried in the earth with its sections in intimate contact therewith, and signal instruments associated with said antenna.275
5. A radio signaling system comprising signal instruments, an antenna extending outwardly therefrom, a second antenna extending in a different direction, said antennae being substantially parallel to the surface of280 the earth but insulated therefrom and said instruments being connected between said antennæ, and a metallic covering for each of said antennae comprising sections insulated from each other and, inclosing the antenna285 throughout its length but insulated therefrom.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand.
James Harris Rogers.