Page:United States v. Trump superseding indictment.pdf/11

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Case 9:23-cr-80101-AMC
Document 85
Entered on FLSD Docket 07/27/2023
Page 11 of 60

27. In March 2021, NAUTA and others moved some of TRUMP’s boxes from the White and Gold Ballroom to the business center at The Mar-a-Lago Club.

28. On April 5, 2021, an employee of The Office of Donald J. Trump (“Trump Employee 1”) texted another employee of that office (“Trump Employee 2”) to ask whether TRUMP’s boxes could be moved out of the business center to make room for staff to use it as an office. Trump Employee 2 replied, “Woah!! Ok so potus specifically asked Walt for those boxes to be in the business center because they are his ‘papers.’” Later that day, Trump Employee 1 and Trump Employee 2 exchanged the following text messages:

Trump Employee 2:

We can definitely make it work if we move his papers into the lake room?

Trump Employee 1:

There is still a little room in the shower where his other stuff is. Is it only his papers he cares about? Theres some other stuff in there that are not papers. Could that go to storage? Or does he want everything in there on property

Trump Employee 2:

Yes - anything that’s not the beautiful mind paper boxes can definitely go to storage. Want to take a look at the space and start moving tomorrow AM?

29. After the text exchange between Trump Employee 1 and Trump Employee 2, in April 2021, some of TRUMP’s boxes were moved from the business center to a bathroom and shower in The Mar-a-Lago Club’s Lake Room, as depicted in the photograph below.