Search and Browser Shares on Windows Computers (U.S.)
DXD37 at 38.
83. Google’s dominance on Windows does not, however, undermine the power of defaults. Google’s strong product quality and brand recognition likely weakened the effectiveness of defaults on Windows devices before the introduction of Chrome. FOF ¶ 70 (switching the default is more common when the default has inferior product quality and branding). The popularity of Chrome over time only fortified that dominance. See Tr. at 9739:10-17 (Murphy) (discussing DXD37 at 38).
84. The power of defaults is evident, however, from the share of Bing users on Edge. Bing’s search share on Edge is approximately 80%; Google’s share is only 20%. Id. at 5744:24–5745:20 (Whinston) (discussing UPXD104 at 29). Even if one assumes that some portion of those Bing searches are performed by Microsoft-brand loyalists, Bing’s uniquely high search share on Edge cannot be explained by that alone. The default on Edge drives queries to Bing.
85. Finally, users can navigate directly to the GSE on the web to conduct searches—for example, by entering or in a browser search bar. Id. at 1633:1-8 (Roszak). This is known as an “organic” search. But few users search in this way. On Apple