Page:Unity of Good.djvu/23

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Seedtime and Harvest.

The universe and man are the spiritual phenomena of this One Infinite Mind. Spiritual phenomena never converge toward aught but Infinite Deity. Their gradations are spiritual and divine; they can not collapse, or lapse into their opposites, for God is their Divine Principle. They live, because He lives; and they are eternally perfect, because He is perfect, and governs them in the Truth of Divine. Science, whereof God is the Alpha and Omega, the centre and circumference.

To attempt the calculation of His mighty ways, from the evidence before the material senses, is fatuous. It is like commencing with the minus sign, to learn the principle of positive mathematics.

God was not in the whirlwind. He is not the blind force of a material universe. Mortals must learn this; unless, pursued by their fears, they would endeavor to hide from His presence under their own falsities, and call in vain for the mountains of unholiness to shield them from the penalty of error.

Jesus taught us to walk over, not into or with, the currents of matter, or mortal mind. His teachings beard the lions in their dens. He turned the water into wine, he commanded the winds, he healed the