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the world and whereof the seven that are named a model and type.
The state of the Church of Ephesus doth ⟨lively⟩ represent the condition of the Primitive where Truth prevailed, and where at the last, ⟨the⟩ decay of charity became a disposition and ⟨a⟩ step to a more doleful state. Whosoever well ⟨considers⟩ what is said to the Church of Ephesus, will therein find the condition of the Primitive Church painted forth to the life.
That of Symrna represents the state of the church during the fourth and fifth ages; wherein Arianism had, the upper hand, and wherein the orthodox were outrageously persecuted. That ⟨is⟩ the Tribulation of ten days, wherewith Symrna is threatened not the Ten Persecutions of which Dioclesian's was the last.
That of Pregamus hath a reference to the time when Antichrist sitteth in the Temple of God, ⟨and⟩ when the church is hardly visible, through ⟨her⟩ dwelling as the church of Pregamus did, where Satan had his throne.
That of Thyatira had a great conformity to the condition of the church when Antichrist both began to fall, and began to raise himself again; According to the testimony given by our Saviour ⟨to⟩ that of Thyatira, 'Thou hast not the doctrine bf Jezebel, and thou hast known the depths of Satan.'