Page:Untangling the Web.pdf/41

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DOCID: 4046925


Clusty also provides a number of advanced search options and preferences, including the option to add your own customized tabs to the main search page.

Clusty stands out as one of—if not indeed—the best metasearch tools available for free and without registration on the Internet. When clustering works (and the Vivisimo technology was independently rated as accurate 90 percent of the time), it offers advantages for automatically grouping huge amounts of information logically. Because there is no human intervention, Vivisimo's clustering algorithm "also helps in discovering new areas of subject development, avoiding the 'mummy's curse,' in which human catalogers have to recognize a term before approving it for usage and then leaving the earlier material using the term un-indexed and irretrievable by that term as an authorized descriptor or metatag."[1]

Jux2 lets users query three search engines—Google, Yahoo, and Live Search (still referred to as MSN Search)—and then shows you:

  1. The Best Results from all three search engines and the total hits for each.
  2. What only Google found and what is missing from Google.
  3. What only Yahoo found and what is missing from Yahoo.
  4. What only Live/MSN Search found and what is missing from Live/MSN Search.
  1. Barbara Quint, "Vivisimo Clustering Chosen to Enhance Searching at Institute of Physics Publishing Site," Infotoday, 25 March 2002, <> (14 November 2006).