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DOCID: 4046925


The new Google patent search has the ability to show you the patent itself, complete with zoom, page scrolling, drawings, internal search, and other patents that reference the current one. Here is the drawing of H. K. Markey (aka the actress Hedy Lamarr) and George Antheil's 1941 patent for a "secret communication system" that used a new concept: frequency hopping.

Google Patent Search

Blog Search: Google Blog Search is a direct competitor with Technorati, until now the big dog on the blog search block. Despite all the chatter about them, blogs are still kind of mysterious and confusing in part because there are lots of things called blogs that don't fit the earlier definition. Blogs originally referred to on-line personal journals, often updated daily, but now everything using RSS or Atom (XML formats for distributing newsfeeds) seems to be considered a blog. Therefore, blog search engines generally restrict themselves to indexing and searching for anything that uses a site feed. Google Blog Search is no exception. The new Google Blog Search FAQ says, "The goal of Blog Search is to include every blog that publishes a site feed (either RSS or Atom)." [emphasis added] This means that Google Blog Search defines "blog" as any site with an XML site feed, and that is fine as long as we know what we're getting. However, Google Blog Search is apparently excluding feeds from news sources to try to prevent overlap between Google News and Blog Search.