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United States
Department of

USDA Working Group
on Water Quality

Progress Update #1, February 12, 1990

About This Letter

From time to time, USDA’s newly formed Working Group on Water Quality will issue brief progress updates to executives in the Department. All updates will be presented on this letterhead.

The Working Group on Water Quality is one of six such teams already assembled in the Department, all reporting directly to deputy secretary Parnell under the authority of the Secretary’s Policy Coordination Council. The others: Climate Change; Food Safety/Pesticide Legislation; Food Safety Data Initiative; Commercialization of Industrial Agricultural Products; and Rural Development.

The importance of water quality has been underscored by the President’s Water Quality Initiative, which defines a vigorous effort to protect ground and surface water from potential contamination from agricultural chemicals and wastes, especially pesticides and nutrients.

About the Working Group

The Working Group on Water Quality is chaired by Dr. Harry C. Mussman, deputy assistant secretary for Science and Education. It is made up of the appropriate under and assistant secretaries and representatives of the following agencies:

  • Agricultural Research Service;
  • Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service;
  • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service;
  • Cooperative State Research Service;
  • Economic Research Service;
  • Extension Service;
  • Farmers Home Administration;
  • Forest Service;
  • National Agricultural Library;
  • National Agricultural Statistics Service;
  • Soil Conservation Service.

The working group will also work closely with three other federal agencies—the Environmental Protection Agency; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce; and the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior—to coordinate overall federal water quality policy.

The Objectives of the Working Group

Thee working group first met on December 7 and reviewed its objectives:

  • To review, and revise if necessary, USDA’s existing policy on water quality;
  • To ensure coordinated Departmental action;
  • To coordinate USDA’s water quality work with that of other federal agencies;
  • To inform the public regularly of USDA’s progress and initiatives in water quality.

USDA Water Quality Policy

One subgroup of the working group, chaired by Vivan Jennings of the Extension Service, is now analyzing USDA’s current water quality policies with an eye toward updating them to meet current needs. The subgroup’s forthcoming recommendations will ensure that USDA maintains a high profile and a leadership position on this issue.