Page:Völsunga Saga (1888).djvu/321

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Æsir, 61 (et passim)

Agnar, or Audi’s brother, 70

Alf, the son of Hjalprek, king of Denmark, 39, 126

Alf, the son of Hunding, 27

Alf the Old, king, 31, 88

Alswid, son of Heimir, 80

Andvari, son of Oinn, a dwarf, 46

Andvari’s force (a waterfall), 46

Andvari’s gift (a ring), 48

Asgarth, abode of the Æsir, the Gods, 30

Aslaug, daughter of Sigurd Fafnir’s-bane, 97

Atli, Budli’s son, brother of Brynhild, 86

Bekkhild, daughter of Budli, wife of Heimir, 80

Bikki, King Jormunrek’s counsellor, 154

Borghild, Queen of Sigmund Volsungson, 25

Bravoll (a field), 30

Bredi, thrall of Skadi, 1

Brynhild, daughter of Budli, 64 (et passim)

Budli, king, 86

Busil-tarn, a river, 43

Denmark, 125

Dragonkeel (a ship), 53

Dvalin, a dwarf, 62

Erp, son of Jonakr, 151

Eylimi, King, 35

Eymod, 126

Eyolf, son of Hunding, 27

Fafnir, son of Hreidmar, 44

Feng (Odin), 54

Fjolnir (Odin), 54

Fion, 126

Fjornir, 136

Frankland, 68

Franks, 126

Freyia, 4

Giaflaug, 115

Giuki, a king, 86

Glaumvor, second wife of Gunnar, Giuki’s son, 132

Gnœvar, son of Hogni Giukisson, 137

Gnipalund, 29

Gnita-heath, 44

Golnir, a giant, 30

Gothland, 6

Goti, a horse, 94

Gram, the family sword of the Volsungs, 39

Grani, 30

Grani, horse of Sigurd Fafnir’s-bane, 44

Granmar, 28

Greeks, 96

Grifir (Edda Gripir), son of Eylimi, 52

Grimhild, Giuki’s queen, 86

Grindur, 31

Gudrun, daughter of Giuki, 84 (et passim)