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Now Ready, Part VI., Price 6d.; by Post, 7d.


A Journal for Nature-Lovers and Nature-Thinkers

Edited by Dr. J. W. WILLIAMS, M.A.


Volcanoes and their Relations to Comets.—Dr. J. W. Williams, M.A.

The Foraminifera of the London Clay.—F. Chapman.

Lantern Slide-Making.—Rev. Hilderic Friend, F.L.S.

Notes on Stinging Nettles.—Rev. F. H. Arnold, M.A., LL.B.

Carolus Linnæus: A Biography. Part IV.—B. Middleton Batchelor.

A Synopsis of the British Odonata.—W. Harcourt Bath.

In the Valley of the Teme, Worcestershire. No. 111.—The Nuthatch at Home. No. IV.—Bird Life in a Hayfield.—C. Parkinson, F.G.S.

The Naturalist at the Farm.—Richard Henderson.

What Books to Read, and the Order in which they should be Read.

Reviews. General Notes and Gleanings. Reports of the Learned Societies. Inquiry Column. Sale and Exchange Column.

“There is a little for every taste.”—Newcastle Daily Journal.

“The writers of the different articles are all able and competent authorities, and the subjects cover a wide range, so that no lover of Natural History can fail to find matter of interest, dip where he will. We are convinced that it will take a foremost place among the periodicals of its class.”—Kidderminster Shuttle.

“No naturalist who once sees this magazine will feel quite happy unless he continues to do so. This magazine is invaluable.”—Literary World.

“We can imagine no more useful or interesting periodical reading than is given in this work. To the student of Natural History in all its branches it is invaluable, and takes the first rank among publications of a kindred nature. When a volume is bound the possessor will have a work of great and surpassing interest, and at a merely nominal cost.”—Devizes and Wilts Advertiser.

“A sound journal, the monthly advent of which will be awaited with feelings of satisfaction and pleasure.”—Bath Chronicle.

Parts I.—V. may still be had.
Annual Subscription—Seven Shillings. Post Free.

London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.