BEDEFORDSCIRE Bedeford [Bedford] was assessed as (defendebat se pro) a half hun- dred T.R.E., and it is so {facit) now for the host and for ship service (in navibus). The land of this vill was never divided into hides, nor is it now except one hide which belonged to (jacuit in) the church of St. Paul in almoin T.R.E., and now belongs (thereto) of right. But Bishop Remigius put it out of almoin (and tenure) of the church of St. Paul, unjustly as the men say, and now holds it and all that belongs to it. It is worth ioo shillings. NAMES OF HOLDERS OF LANDS ] i King William XXXII ii The Bishop of Bayeux in The Bishop of Coutances XXXIII XXXIIII mi The Bishop of Lincoln XXXV v The Bishop of Durham XXXVI vi The abbot of St. Edmund XXXVII vn The abbot of Peterborough vin The abbot of Ramsey ix The abbot of Westminster XXXVIII XXXIX x The abbot of Thorney XL xi The abbess of Barking xn The canons of London XLI XLII xiii The canons of Bedford XLIII xiiii Ernuin the priest XLIIII xv Count Eustace XLV xvi Walter Gifard XLVI xvn William de Warenne XLV 1 1 xvin William de Ow XLVIII xix Milo Crispin xx Ernulf de Hesding XLIX L xxi Eudo ' Dapifer ' LI xxn William Pevrel LII xxm Hugh de Beauchamp LIII xxnii Nigel de Albingi LIIII xxv William Spech Walter the Fleming Walter brother of Seiher Hugh the Fleming Hugh the Butler (pincerna) Sigar de Cioches Gunfrid de Cioches Richard son of Earl Gil- bert Richard Pungiant William the Chamberlain William Lovet William Henry son of Azor Osbern son of Richard Osbern son of Walter Osbern the Fisherman Turstin the Chamberlain Gilbert son of Salom(on) Albert of Lorraine David de Argentan Ralf ' de Insula * Gozelin the Breton Countess Judith Adeliza wife of H (ugh) de Grent(maisnil)
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