A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE bishop half a hide. There is land for I plough and it is there with 2 bordars. There is woodland (to feed) 4 swine. In all it is worth 10 shillings and (was worth) the same when received ; T.R.E. 12 shillings. The same men hold it now who held it T.R.E. They could assign or sell it. In the Half Hundret of Bochelai l Herbert son of Ivo holds of the bishop 3 hides and 3 virgates in Stachedene [Stags- den]. There is land for 4 ploughs. There are now 3^ ploughs and there could be a halt plough more. There are 12 villeins and 7 bordars, meadow (sufficient) for I plough team and woodland (to feed) 40 swine. In all it is worth 7 pounds, (was worth) when received 9 pounds, T.R.E. 12 pounds. This land 12 sokemen held. They were King Edward's men and could sell it. In the Hundret of Wilga [Willey] Two sokemen hold in Carlentone [Carl- ton] I hide and I virgate of Herbert son of Ivo and he of the bishop. 2 There is land for I^ ploughs and these are there, and meadow (sufficient) for 1 plough team. In all it is worth 26 shillings and 8 pence ; when re- ceived and T.R.E. (was worth) 30 shillings. This land the same men held who now hold it and they could assign and sell it. In Torveie [Turvey] Wimund holds ot Herbert and he of the bishop 1 hide." There is land for 1 plough and it is there, and mea- dow (sufficient) for a half plough team. In all it is worth 20 shillings ; when received, and T.R.E. (was worth) 40 shillings. This land a man of Alwold of Stivetone [Steventon] 3 held and could sell. In the Hundret of Bereforde [Barford] M. Herbert holds of the bishop, and his nephew Hugh holds of him, 2 5 hides in Wil- dene [Wilden]. There is land for 16 ploughs. On the demesne there are now none ; there could be 3. The villeins have 10 ploughs and there could be 3 more. There are 20 1 Now part of Willey Hundred.
- These exceptional cases of an under-tenant
having under-tenants himself should be noted (j.H.R.) 3 The previous holder of Steventon is recorded below as ' Adeloldus teignus R.E.,' but this Tur- vey entry suggests that he may have been the 'Alwoldus' who was the tenant of the other manors which had passed, with Steventon, to Count Eustace (J.H.R.) sokemen and 1 2 bordars and 1 serf ; meadow (sufficient) for 6 plough teams, woodland (to feed) 6 swine. In all it is worth 9 pounds ; when received 12 pounds; T.R.E. 20 pounds. This manor 24 sokemen held and could assign and sell their lands to whom they wished. III. THE LAND OF THE BISHOP OF COUTANCES In Stoden [Stodden] Hundret M. The Bishop of Coutances holds Cheno- tinga [Knotting]. It is assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 5 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and on it are 2 ploughs. The villeins have 3 ploughs. There are 8 villeins and 5 bordars and 4 serfs, meadow (sufficient) for 2 plough teams and woodland (to feed) 400 swine. It is worth 4 pounds ; when re- ceived, (was worth) 3 pounds ; and as much T.R.E. This manor Burret held T.R.E. M. The bishop himself holds Melceburne [Melchbourne]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 10 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and on it are 3 ploughs. The vil- leins have 7 ploughs. There are 13 villeins and 1 5 bordars and 3 serfs, meadow (sufficient) for [ ] plough teams, and woodland (to feed) 100 swine. It is worth 8 pounds, when re- ceived (was worth) 100 shillings, T.R.E. 6 pounds. This manor Burret held and there were 6 sokemen there. They could assign and sell their land without (his) leave. M. The bishop himself holds in Dena [Dean] 4 hides. There is land for [ and they are there. There are 6 sokemen and 6 bordars and 2 serfs. It is worth 60 shil- lings ; when received (it was worth) the same sum ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This manor 6 fO. 310 sokemen held. They were men of Borret. Three hides and a half which were of the king's soke they could assign and sell and put with themselves under another lord (ad alterum dominum recedere) without leave of Borred. Half a hide however they could not assign nor sell without his leave. M. Geoffrey de Traillgi * holds of the Bishop of Coutances Giveldene [Yelden]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 15 ploughs. On the demesne are 4 ploughs and the villeins have 11. There are 17 villeins and 1 knight (miles) and I 2 bordars and I serf, meadow (sufficient) for 4 plough teams and woodland (to feed) 20 swine. In all (loth See Introduction. 224