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ANCIENT EARTHWORKS side. Coins and other remains of the Roman period have been dug up from time to time. 1 WANTAGE, LIMBOROUGH. It has long been thought that there was a Roman camp in Wantage, the name of which, Limborough, still u td&gSSSS f? A. He 'At '/> fitted in hre owing i^S r modern ope rations. ! il WALLINGFORD. (from plan by Rev. E. A. Dotvnman!) survives. Dr. Francis Wise in 1738 considered that he had identified the site as a place called High Garden. Many Roman coins have been ' Cough's Camden, i. 215, 225. Lysons, Mag. Brit. 212, 214, 396-7. Berks Arch. Quart. Journ. iii. 18. i 265 34