BOTANY ATLANTIC 2 Cervicina hederacea (Wahlenbergia], Agrostls setacea Atlantic-Local ... i lllecebrum vertidllatum British .... 2 Hypericum Androseemum, Erodium mos- chatum (? native) English .... 3 Hypericum elodes, Cotyledon, Verbascum virgatum Total ... 8 SCOTTISH i Pinus sy/vestris (replanted) Scottish-British i . 10 Scottish-Local ... i Asperugo procumbent (casual) Total ... 12 INTERMEDIATE ... 2 Rites nigrum, R. Grossularia Intermediate-British . i Gagea fascicularis English .... i Poterium officinale Local I Campanula rapunculoides Highland .... i Galium sylvestre Total ... 4 Grand Total . 885 The Scottish-British types are Sagina subulata, Vicia syhatica, Par- nassia, Antennaria dioica (but I have not seen it in the county), Pinguicula vu/garis, Galeopsis speciosa, Carex dioica, Pbegopteris polypodioides, and Pyrola minor. The British-Scottish types are Potentilla palustris, Pyrus Aucuparia, Geum rivale, Epilobium angustifolium, Gentiana campestris, Myosotis repens, Habenaria -viridis, Eleocbaris uniglumis, Scirpus ccespitosus, and Eotrychium. Among the records which have been published respecting the plants of the county many have been reported which are almost cer- tainly errors of identification, and probably all of the following belong to this category, and they cannot be admitted into our estimate of the ingredients of the county flora until they are refound. These errors are : Thalictrum majus, a mistake for T.jtavum, which is common ; Cardamine impatient, a mistake for C. syhatica, but the true plant occurs in Surrey ; Draba inflata this was a form of Erophila prczcox ; Lepidium latifolium, recorded by Mr. Bicheno from Newbury peat pits, but if it ever occurred there, which is very unlikely, it was only a casual plant ; Polycarpon tetraphyllum was never likely to have been seen ; Viola Cur- tisii- a large flowered form of V. tricolor probable var. bella was mistaken for this species, which is a maritime plant ; Linum angustifolium this was L. usitatissimum, the common flax, which occasionally occurs as a casual ; Geranium syhaticum, mistaken for G. pratense the former does not reach so far south as Berkshire as a native plant ; Vicia Orobus the pretty V. syhatica was doubtless the plant observed, but V. Orobus has been found in Hants ; Rosa villosa all the Berkshire plants so named appear to be forms of R. tomentosa, which is synonymous with R. mollissima, Willd. ; Drosera anglica occurs in Hants but awaits confirmation for 3 1
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