Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/144

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Cabera exanthemaria, Scop. Also generally common in woods

Bapta temerata, Schiff. Generally distributed in the borders of woods, but not abundant

—— taminata, SchifF.; bimaculata, St.C. Marlow, Chesham, Amersham, Chalfont St. Peter ; not usually common

Macaria liturata, Linn. Buckingham, Chesham, Chalfont St. Peter ; common at Black Park ; among firs

Halia wavaria, Linn. Generally common in gardens, its larva often injurious to gooseberry and currant trees, devouring their leaves

Panagra petraria, Hb. Chalfont St. Peter ; common among brake-fern on open commons

Strenia clathrata, Linn. Chalfont St. Peter, Amersham, Chesham, Buckingham ; common in clover fields and on railway banks

Fidonia atomaria, Linn. Halton, Chesham, Black Park ; abundant on all heaths

—— piniaria, Linn. Chesham, Chalfont St. Peter, Black Park, Whittlebury Forest ; common about Scotch fir trees

Numeria pulveraria, Linn. Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham ; in country lanes and hedges, as well as the borders of woods

Scodiona belgiaria, Hb. Taken at Chalfont St. Peter by the Rev. J. S. St. John

Eurymene dolobraria, Linn. Black Park, Chesham, Chalfont St. Peter, Halton. The Rev. J. Greene says : ' This beautiful species I used to take in plenty in the pupa state under moss on beech trees in the Beech Wood ; also occasionally on oaks; the larva enters the moss at the first convenient place, and in tearing it off (which must be done by hand, not with the trowel) great care must be taken in loosening the edge of the moss, for there the pupa is, I may say, invariably found '

Odontoptera bidentata, Linn. Generally distributed in wooded districts

Ennomos autumnaria, Wenb.; alniaria, St. M. The Rev. H. Harpur Crewe writes : ' Some three or four years since I bred a hopelessly crippled specimen from a larva which I beat out amongst a number of those of E. angularia, in Buckinghamshire. I at once detected a slight difference in its appearance and placed it by itself. It was on the point of laying up, and in a few days turned to a most singular mottled pupa. In about three weeks' time a crippled moth made its appearance. The wood inwhich I beat it consisted almost entirely of beech, but there were a few oaks, birches and maples, and as I had beaten them also, I cannot be certain what it had fed upon.' This species is not now the great rarity that it was at that time (1857), but it is almost confined to the extreme south coast, and is but occasionally met with even there

Ennomos alniaria, Linn.; tiliaria, St.M. Chesham, Buckingham, Halton, High Wycombe; larvæ beaten from poplar as well as alder

—— fuscantaria, Haw. Buckingham, High Wycombe, Halton, Marlow. The Rev. Bernard Smith wrote : ' I have bred seven specimens from the egg, all males a circumstance which has occurred in another instance known to me, and which seems to indicate that the female is really scarcer in this species.' Larva on ash

—— erosaria, Schiff. Chesham, High Wycombe, Black Park, Halton ; larva upon oak, not common

—— angularia, Schiff.; quercinaria, St.C. Chesham, Buckingham, Chalfont St. Peter, High Wycombe, the Chiltern district ; common at Halton

Crocallis elinguaria, Linn. Generally distributed ; often to be seen sitting flatly upon the grass or dead leaves under a hedge, and conspicuous

Himera pennaria, Linn. Generally distributed in woods, but rarely seen except when attracted by a strong light ; larva common on various trees

Selenia illustraria, Hb. ; tetralunaria, St.C. Halton, Black Park, Chesham, and the Chiltern district, but scarce

—— lunaria, Schiff. Chesham, Black Park

—— illunaria, Hb. ; bilunaria, St.C. Generally distributed

Pericallia syringaria, Linn. Black Park, Halton, Marlow, Chesham, Buckingham, Leckhampstead ; male and female very different, but each singularly beautiful

Epione apiciaria, Schiff. Chesham, Buckingham ; in damp places among sallow, but not common

Metrocampa margaritata, Linn. Generally common in woods among oak, sometimes abundant

Ellopia fasciaria, Linn. ; prosapiaria, St.C. Chesham, Black Park, among Scotch fir; not common here

Biston hirtarius, Linn. Halton, Buckingham ; not common

—— prodromarius, Schiff. ; stratarius, St.C. Chesham, Buckingham, Halton, about