In the same vill William holds of the bishop 4 hides and 2 thirds (partes) of 1 virgate as one manor. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and 7 villeins with 6 bordars have 2 ploughs. There are 3 serfs, and i mill and a moiety (of a mill) worth (de) 27 shillings and 250 eels, meadow (sufficient) for 4 plough (teams) and woodland (to feed) 60 swine. It is worth 60 shillings; when received 2O shillings; T.R.E. 4 pounds. This manor 8 thegns held. One of these Alii, a man of King Edward, was senior over the others (senior aliorum). All could sell their land.
In the same vill Anschitil holds 1½ hides and 2 thirds (partes) of 1 virgate of the bishop. There is land for 1½ ploughs, and these are there, and meadow for the like number (similiter). There is woodland (to feed) 12 swine. It is worth 20 shillings ; when received 5 shillings ; T.R.E. 20 shillings. This land Borgeret and Ulvric his man held and could sell.
In the same vill 3 sokemen hold 1 hide of the bishop, and 1 virgate. There is land for 1 plough. Half a plough is there and there could be half a plough more. There are i villein with 2 bordars, meadow (sufficient) for 4 oxen, woodland (to feed) 8 swine. It is and was worth 10 shillings; T.R.E. 20 shillings. This land 2 thegns held, Borret and Ulvric a man of Deus. [1] They could sell (their land).
In Molesoueslau Hundret[2]
In Clystone [Clifton (Reynes)] Morcar holds 1½ hides of the bishop. There is land for 2 ploughs, and these are there with 6 villeins and 4 bordars. There is 1 serf. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 2 plough (teams), and 1 mill. In all it is and was worth 20 shillings; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This manor Alii, a thegn of King Edward, held and could sell. This land was received in exchange (est de excambio) for Bledone (Bleadon),[3] as the bishop's men say. In the same vill Turbert holds of the bishop 1 hide. There is land for 1 plough, and it is there with 1 villein and 3 bordars. There is 1 serf. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 1 plough (team), woodland (to feed) 20 swine. It is and was worth 10 shillings ; T.R.E. 20 shillings. This land Wlwin, a man of Deus,[4] held and could sell.
M. The bishop himself holds Serintone [Sherington]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 1 1 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and on it are 4 ploughs. There 22 villeins with 6 bordars have 6 ploughs and there could be a seventh. There are 8 serfs, and 1 mill worth (de) 26 shillings, mea- dow (sufficient) for 4 plough (teams), and woodland (to feed) 100 swine. In all it is worth i o pounds ; when received 7 pounds ; T.R.E. 10 pounds. Of this manor Edwin son of Borret held 6 hides as one manor and Alwin his man i hide as one manor, and Osulf, a man of King Edward, had 3 hides as one manor. These two could assign (dare) and sell their land.
In Ambertone [Emberton] two thegns hold of the bishop 3 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs, and (these) are there. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 2 plough (teams), wood- land (to feed) 50 swine. There are 2 villeins and 2 bordars. It is and was worth 40 shillings ; T.R.E. 4 pounds. The same men held it who now hold it. One of these, Godric, had 4 hides ; the other, Ulvric, 2 hides as one manor ; and they could sell (their land).
{{c|{{sc|in Coteslau [Cottesloe] Hundret[5]
The Bishop of Lisieux holds in Croustone [Croftone][6] 2½ hides. Robert de Nowers holds them of him as one manor. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 2, and there could be a third ; and 4 villeins with 4 bordars have 2 ploughs. It is and was worth 60 shillings ; T.R.E. 4 pounds. This manor Blacheman, a man of Earl Tosti(g), held. He could not sell (the land) without his leave.
{{c|In Moslei [Mulshoe] Hundret[7]
In Brichellæ: [Brickhill] Robert holds of
- ↑ bo' di' in MS. The reading is very doubtful (J.H.R.)
- ↑ Now part of Newport Hundred. The name of this Hundred is variously spelt, occurring also as Moleslou, Moisselai, Moselai, Mosleie, Moslei and Moslai. It is liable to be confused with Muselai, which is one form of Mursalai (Mursley) ; the name Molesoueslau, etc., is represented by the modern Moulsoe (F.W.R.)
- ↑ In Somerset. See Introduction.
- ↑ See note I above.
- ↑ Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. Cottesloe which gave its name to the Hundred is in Wing.
- ↑ Alias Crafton. In Wing.
- ↑ Now part of Newport Hundred. For the name of the Hundred see note 2 above.