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Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/311

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lings and 4 score eels. In all (totis valentiis) it is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 12 pounds. This manor Eddeda held of Queen Eddeva.

M. Ralf holds of Walter Oltone [1] [Wot- ton (Underwood)]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 10 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ; and 10 villeins with 13 bordars have 7 ploughs. There are 5 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 5 plough (teams), and woodland (to feed) 200 swine. , In all it is and was worth 7 pounds ; T.R.E. 8 pounds. This manor Eddeva wife of Ulward held and could sell.

In Coteslai [Cottesloe] Hundret[2]

Two Englishmen hold of Walter in this hundred 1 virgate.[3] There is land for half a plough, and there is meadow (sufficient) for half a plough (team). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 3½ shillings. These same men held it T.R.E. and could sell.

M. Hugh de Bolebec holds of Walter Wicherce [Whitchurch]. It is assessed at 8 hides. There is land for 12 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs, and there could be 2 (more). There 14 villeins with 2 bordars have 7 ploughs. There are 8 serfs and meadow (sufficient) for 6 plough (teams). In all it is and was worth 8 pounds ; T.R.E. 10 pounds. This manor 2 brothers, thegns of King Edward, held as 2 manors and could sell.

In Litecota [Littlecote [4]] Robert holds of Walter 2½ hides as one manor. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and 2 villeins with 3 bordars have i plough. There are 3 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for i plough (team). This land is and was worth 40 shillings ; T.R.E. 60 shillings. This manor Wiga, a thegn of King Edward, held and could sell.

In Brichstoch [Burston [5] ] Turstin holds of Walter 1 hide. There is land for i plough, and it is there with 2 bordars and I serf. There is meadow (sufficient) for i plough (team). It is worth 20 shillings ; when received 10 shillings; T.R.E. 20 shillings. This land was held by Alwen, a certain woman, under Siward, and she could sell (her land).

In Erlai [Yardley] Hundret[6]

Ralf holds of Walter in Pincenestrone [Pitstone [7] ] 5½ hides as one manor. There is land for 2 ploughs and these are there with villeins and 3 bordars and i serf. There is woodland (to feed) 40 swine. It is worth 40 shillings ; when received 20 shillings ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This manor Toroi, a man of Earl [8] Lewin, held and could sell.

In Muselai [Mursley] Huundret[9]

William holds of Walter in Soenebrno [Swanbourne] 7 hides and 3 virgates as one manor. There is land for 7 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ; and 7 villeins with 5 bordars have 4 ploughs. There are 2 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 6 plough (teams). In all it is and was worth 4 pounds ; T.R.E. 100 shillings. This manor 2 thegns held
fo. 147b
Alward 5 hides all but 1 virgate, [10] and Alwi his man 2 hides and 3 virgates. [10] They held them as two manors and could sell (them).

M. Walter himself holds Hereworde [(Great) Horwood]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 9 ploughs. In the demesne are 5 hides, and on it are 4 ploughs ; and 8 villeins with 10 bordars have 5 ploughs. There are 2 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 9 plough (teams), and woodland (to feed) IOO swine. In all (totis valentiis) it is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 7 pounds. This manor Alward cilt, a thegn of King Edward, held.

Walter de Bee holds of Walter Sincleberia [Singleborough]. [11] It is assessed at 6 hides. There is land for 6 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and 4 villeins with bordars have 3 ploughs. There are 4 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 3 plough (teams), and woodland (to feed) 40 swine. In all (totis valentiis) it is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 4 pounds. This manor Edward cilt, a thegn of King Edward, held.

  1. Probably scribal error for Ottone
  2. Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. For Cottesloe see p. 241, note 5, under the land of the Bishop of Lisieux
  3. The place is not named.
  4. In Stewkley.
  5. In Aston Abbots. See p. 244, note 7.
  6. Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. For Yardley see p. 233, note 3, under the land of the Bishop of Lisieux.
  7. See p. 244, note 12.
  8. 'Earl' interlined.
  9. Now part of Cottesloe Hundred.
  10. 10.0 10.1 The amount of the holdings is interlined.
  11. In Great Horwood.