Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/478

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Westminster Abbey (St. Peter) 211 , 242a
Abbot of, 231a, 242a
a man of, 244b
Wibald, 272b
Wibert, 256b
Wichin', 261a
Wiga, a man of, 255a
Wiga, a man of King Edward, 244b
Wiga, a thegn of King Edward, 249a
Wigod, Wigot, of Wallingford. See Wallingford
Wilaf, a man of Earl Lewin, 230, 238a, 238b
William, 239b, 240a, 241a, 243b, 247b, 249b, 250a, 253a, 262b, 263a
William the chamberlain (of London), 215, 231b, 266b
William the Conqueror, 209, 210, 215, 217, 221, 231a, 232b, 243a, 254a, 272a, 274b, 275a, 275b, 276a, 276b, 277a
ferm of, 236b
thegns and almsmen of, 231b,
William the Conqueror, continued 274b, 275a, 275b, 276a, 276b, 277a
William Rufus, 211
William, son of Ansculf (de Picquigny), 209, 213, 222, 225, 231a, 254a, 254b, 255a, 255b, 256a, 256b, 257a
William, son of Constantine, Constantius, 215, 231b, 266b
William, son of Manne (Magnus), 215, 231b, 267a
William, son of Nigel, 244b
William, son of Oger, 236a
Winchester, Abbey of St. Peter of, 211, 233b
monks of, 233b
Walchelin, Bishop of, 231a, 233a, 233b
Windsor, family of, 214
Winemar the Fleming, 215, 220, 231b, 272a
Wlmar, a priest of King Edward, 266b
Wlstan. See Ulstan
Wlward, a man of Queen Edith, 257a
Wlward son of Eddeva, 230, note 217
man of, 246a
Wlward, a thegn of King Edward, 239b
Wlward. See also Wulfward
Wlward cild, a thegn of King Edward, 239b
a man of, 257a
Wlwen, a man of, 270a
Wlwen, a certain woman, 263b
Wlwen, a man of King Edward, 263b See also Creslow, Wlwene of
Wlwene, Wulwene of Creslow (an English lady). See Creslow
Wulfric. See Ulvric
Wulfward ' White,' Wlward, Vlwardus, 216, 217, 218, note 217
daughter of, 217, 275a
man of, 246a
wife of, 216, 217, 218, 239b, 249a, note 217
Wulfwig, Wlwi, Bishop of Lincoln. See Lincoln


' Achecote.' See Edgcott
' Achelei.' See Akeley, Oakley
Ackhamstead, 228
Addingrove [Eddingrave], 248a
Addington [Eddintone, Edintone], 239a, 263a
Adstock [Edestocha], 253b
Akeley [Achelei], 219, 250a
' Ambretone.' See Emberton
Amersham [Elmodesham, Elnodesham], 208, 214, 235b, 243b, 259a, 264a, 267b, 268a, 271a
Arncot (Oxf.), 213
Ashendon [Assedone], 248b
Ashendon [Esseden, Essedene, Essendene] Hundred, 225, 227, 237a, 239b, 243a, 248b, 253a, 261a, 265a, 267a, 274b, note
272b. See also Ticheshele, Waddesdon
Aston (Abbots) [Estone], 242b, notes 244b, 249a, 262b
Aston (Clinton) [Estone], 222, 263b
Aston (Ivinghoe) [Estone], 245a, 259b
Aston (Sandford) [Estone], 227, 237a, 261a, 270a
Aylesbury [Eilesberia], 208, 222, 231a, 232*a
Church at, 223, 232a
Aylesbury [Elesberie] Hundred, 225, 227, 233b, 252b, 254a, 263b, 269b, 276a. See also Stone, Risborough

Barton (Hartshorn) [Bertone], 238b
Beachampton [Becentone, Bechentone], 219, 227, 250b, 269a, 275b
Beachendon, alias Bichendon [Bichedone], 237a, 261b
Beachington. See Beachendon
Beaconsfield, note 227
' Becentone,' ' Bechentone.' See Beachampton
' Bechesdene.' See Biddlesden
Beckley (Bekelee) (Oxf.), note 268b
Bedgrove [Begrave], 235a
Berkhampstead, Honour of, 212
' Berlaue.' See Marlow
' Berneham.' See Burnham
Bernwood Forest, 223
' Bertone.' See Barton
' Betesdone.' See Biddlesden
' Bichedone,' ' Bichendone.' See Beachendon
Biddlesden [Bechesdene, Betesdone], 209, 232b, 245b, note 275b
Bierton [Bortone], 235a
Bix Brand (Oxf.), note 272a
Bleadon [Bledone], (Somers.), 240b, 241a, note 225
'Bledelai.' See Bledlow
Bledlow [Bledelai], 212, 222, 243b
' Bledone.' See Bleadon
Bletchley, note 240a
Boarstall, 227
' Bocheland.' See Buckland
' Bochingeham.' See Buckingham
Bonestou, Bonestov Hundred, now part of Newport Hundred, 225, 227, 239a, 240a, 246b, 252a, 253b, 264a, 272a, 273b, 276a
' Bortone.' See Bierton
Bourton (in Buckingham) [Burtone], 208, 219, 222, 227, 250b.
See also Buckingham
Boveney [Boveniae,Bovenie], 223, 243a, 273a
Bowrickhill. See Brickhill, Bow Boycott, 228
' Bradeham.' See Bradenham
Bradenham [Bradeham], 276b
Bradwell [Bradewelle, Brodewelle], 219, 225, 251b, 256a, 263a
'Brichella,' 'Brichelle.' See Brickhill
' Brichstoch.' See Burston
Brickhill [Brichella;, Brichelle], 239a, 241b
Brickhill, (Bow) [Brichelle], 252b, note 266b
Brickhill (Great) [Brichella], 247b
BrickhiU (? Little) [Brichella], 239a
' Bricstoch.' See Burston
Bridelesthon, Bridesthorne. See Burston