EXSESSA [HOLDERS OF LANDS] fo.i II HI mi v VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIIII XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXVIIII WILLIAM King of the English The Holy Trinity of Canterbury The Bishop of London The fief of the same bishop The canons of St. Paul's The abbey of Westmin- ster The Bishop of Durham The canons of Waltham The abbey of [Bark] ing The abbey of Ely The abbey of St. Edmund The canons of St. Martin of London The abbey of Battle St. Walery The abbey of the Holy Trinity of Caen The abbey of St. Stephen of the same [town] The abbey of St. Ouen The Bishop of Bayeux The Bishop of Hereford Count Eustace Count Alan Wfilliam] de Warene Richard son of Count G filbert] Suen of Essex Eudo dapifer Roger de Otburville Hugh de Montfort Hamo dapifer Henry de Ferrariis XLVIII Wfilliam] Peverel XLIX Ralf de Limesy L Robert de Toesni LI Ralf de Toesni LII Walter de Doai LIII Mathew of Mortagne LIIII The Countess of Aumale LV Countess Judith LVI Frodo brother of the abbot LVII Saisselin LVIII Gilbert son of Turold LIX William Levric LX Hugh de St. Quintin LXI Edmund son of Algot LXII Roger the marshal LXIII Adam son of Durand LXIIII Goscelin the lorimer LXV John nephew of Waleram LXVI William the deacon LXVII Walter the cook LXVIII Moduin LXIX Ilbodo LXX Haghebern LXXI Tedric Point[el] LXXII Roger ' God save the ladies.' LXXIII G filbert] son of Salomon LXXIIII William son of Constan- tine LXXV Ansger the cook LXXVI Robert son of Roscelin LXXVII Ralf Pinel LXXVIII Robert son of Gobert LXXIX Rainald the crossbowman LXXX Gonduin LXXXI Otto the goldsmith 427
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